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Yellow light filled the TARDIS as the face of the old man who had grown to be the best friend of Charlotte Archer's lit up like a candle, his entire body huing yellow.

A feeling of dread filling her stomach as the brunette looked at the doctor. Her friend. As the glow faded, she took careful steps forward before he spoke, "Well then, what do I look like." Holding in a giggle, Charlotte-- or Charlie, as many called her-- looked him over carefully.

"Your... ears..."

"My ears? What's wrong with my ears?" He questioned anxiously.

"They, um... they're dangley. Definitely different." He frowned before shrugging it off, knowing now was not a time to be concerned with such nonsense. They had finished off a war.

The Time War.

And now-- now the two were safe, but their planets gone.

Long gone.

"Doctor, the TARDIS-- She seems like she's chasing something."

Charlie couldn't bare to bring up what was really on her mind.

After all, her heart still ached from the recent war and with no doubt, he was struggling with the same thoughts.

The blood and destruction. The bodies of their families.

The very memory of him running through her planets rubble, blaster in hand stuck in her mind and it made her eyes fill with tears. "Oh, right!!" His voice was quick to snap her from her thoughts. Hands flying to one of the switches, the doctor drove the box to a stop.

Charlie ran to the door, the Doctor grabbing her arm before she could open it. "Charlie-- Are you okay?" The brunette scoffed, tugging from his grip. "Of course I'm not okay! Our families are dead. My sisters? Gone. Disappeared in the Dalek raid before the war. I know you loved them-- your family. I loved mine. But this? What we're doing? It makes the world worth it. We're helping people."

He nodded, "Okay, Young Witch. Let's do this thing then."

Charlie smiled at the title gifted to her on her planet-- Sars 8-- before following the Doctor out the door, her feet carrying her quickly behind them as he sonic'd the door open in the back of the shop

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Charlie smiled at the title gifted to her on her planet-- Sars 8-- before following the Doctor out the door, her feet carrying her quickly behind them as he sonic'd the door open in the back of the shop. "Why here?"

Charlie thought for a moment as she looked at him quizzically.

"They are after us while we were after them. Meaning, we just have to wait." The Archer girl grinned as they entered, ready to go. "You got your running shoes on, Doctor?"


Story Of Us {Jack Harkness Love Story}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ