Rose (Part 2)

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"You sure you want to come?" The Doctor questioned for what felt like the hundredth time that morning. It was early, the two having just gotten dressed and he had been asking Charlie sense if she was sure to come with him.

Looking for trouble, some would call it. As far as the Doctor was concerned, the young witch had expanded far too much energy already in the evening prior.

 As far as the Doctor was concerned, the young witch had expanded far too much energy already in the evening prior

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"I'm okay, Doctor."

Slowly, he nodded his head in response before leading her out the door to the TARDIS. Following behind, the brunette walked up and down a block of flats with her best friend, smiling as the sonic started buzzing.

He slowed unscrewed bolt after bolt in the cat flap as he knelt on the ground to do so, earning a slight giggle from Charlotte at how ridiculous he looked.

When the face of the blonde from the night prior appeared through the whole, the Doctor was quick to stand before she opened the door. "What're you doing here?"

"Clearly she lives here," Charlie scoffed, earning a look from the Doctor before he turned back to Rose

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"Clearly she lives here," Charlie scoffed, earning a look from the Doctor before he turned back to Rose. "Well, what do you do that for?" He questioned. That question earned a facepalm from his best friend. "We should get going, eh?"

Ignoring the irritated brunettes statement, Rose responded to the Doctor, "Because I do. I'm only at home because someone blew up my job."

"I must have got the wrong signal. You're not plastic, are you?" He questioned before knocking on her forehead. "No, bonehead. Bye then." Grabbing Charlie's hand, he turned to leave before she grabbed ahold of the pair tightly, pulling them inside. "You two. Inside. Right now."

"Who is it?"

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"Who is it?"

A woman's voice echoed throughout the hallway, Rose leading the aliens down the hallway. "It's about last night. They're part of the inquiry. Give us ten minutes," Rose spoke.

The Doctor paused at the doorway of the woman's room as Charlie continued on behind Rose. "So, you're Charlie then?"

Rose questioned.

"Charlotte is the name, actually. The Doctor, he just.. he's called me that since we were children."

As the Doctor came around the corner, Rose changed the topic back to the issue at hand, "Don't mind the mess. Do you want a coffee?" The young brunette spoke up, "He'll take one, just mind and if you have lavender tea, haven't had any in ages." Rose nodded, turning her back before continuing on, "We should go to the police. Seriously. All of us." The brunette shook her head in pure annoyance.

Telling people could very well get them killed.

What did this human not understand about that?!

"I'm not blaming you, even if it was just some sort of joke that went wrong," Rose continued on explaining

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"I'm not blaming you, even if it was just some sort of joke that went wrong," Rose continued on explaining.

"I'm not blaming you, even if it was just some sort of joke that went wrong," Rose continued on explaining

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"They said on the news they found a body," Rose frowned.

"All the same, he was nice. Nice bloke. Anyway, if we are going to go to the police, I want to know what I'm saying. I want you two to explain everything."

Suddenly the cat flap rattled, gaining the attention of the Doctor and Charlotte. "What's that then? You got a cat?"

The Doctor questioned.

"No," Rose shrugged as she finished mixing the lavender tea. Suddenly an Auton popped out, grabbing the Doctor by the throat and Charlie struggled to get it off of him, it turning to grasp her neck.

"I told Mickey to chuck that out. You're all the same. Give a person a plastic hand. Anyway, I don't even know your name. Doctor, what was it?" Charlie panted after the Doctor got the hand off of her, falling to the floor and clutching her neck as he struggled to get it off of Rose. Finally, he is able to jab it with his sonic screwdriver, disconnecting the signal before running over to Charlie. "You okay, Charlotte?"

"Will be," she panted as he helped her to her feet

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"Will be," she panted as he helped her to her feet. Turning back to Rose, tossing the arm to her, he spoke, "It's all right, I've stopped it. There you go, you see? Armless."

"You think?" She questioned, slapping him with the arm, earning a girlish squeal of pain from the Doctor.

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