Technical problem

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(( Picture of the company on the inside ))

Leo pov :

" So. What's you're gonna say do you agree or not ? ". I asked after a long pause .sensing that she finished reading the agreement papers.

" I don't care what you think of me . All I know that I have every wright as much as you do. I am his daughter after all. Weather you like it or not .I'm done neglecting my birth rights so to answer your question no I don't agree. And I won't sign this damn papers over my dead body .bastardo! "

" you see your quite wrong because I'm not the bastard in this case you are . And you already agreed before what make you change your mind? "

" well i changed my mind because it was the right thing to do for me and my daughter. Thanks to people who really care for me my Sophie and nothing will get me fear away from it "

"Aha. So you admit that this not your idea. Only people That you encountered "

"No, it's my idea. Why are diverging my talk to this what's you're point in all this?

"My point that you were influenced by someone. That made you change you mind. And I'm not going to jeopardize my ancestors hard work and mine, just for clueless gold digger who'll destroys the future of Meloni legacy. You can't fool me I know all about you.your past how you used to live. What you used to do. And believe me when I say I can destroy you with snap of finger,So either. You take the money I offered. Or have nothing but wrecked life to rise your daughter .you choose. By the way if i were you I won't be scared from me I would be petrified"

I saw her flinch when I mentioned her past. What can I say I learned from the best ' Never play when you don't know when and where ' my father always used to tell me since I was a little kids. So I checked her background and boy how much did I find.

" a**hole, you know nothing about me. You piece of sh*t , dady little boy .you haven't seen the life I grow up at. You know nothing about how to leave in poor environment. I may made a terrible mistakes but I did what I had to do to escape from there . While you were home getting spoiled.having everything that I wished for . I struggled to became who I am today. But I'm not a shamed of it as I said. I did what I got to do and I'll do it all over again and, on a second thought I don't wanna you filthy money. You can shove it all over your face I may need it but I'm better off without it . You cruel. Coldheart bastard... " then she stomped out my office .
I was shocked I didn't think that I'll get this reaction from her but I saw enough to know some people are good actors and I couldn't tell if she were or weren't saying the truth. I felt a ting of guilt rush over me but I shrugged it all thinking she was just upset because she couldn't have what she wanted. I sighed! . You can never trust people these days because all they care about is money.

I couldn't help contain the smile that tagged my lips from the triumphal victory for finally getting rid of the leech who threatened the future of the ' Meloni groups '.as I remembered watching her her soor face leaves my office after getting non of what she came for. Money

I was Lost in my thought I didn't hear Natalie call for me. Until she was right at front of me me waving her hand seeking my attention

"LEO. LEO! I have been calling the last 5 min. You need to see this and quick. " she motioned to TVs, only to see a reporters at the front of my building

. " ...... as in right now . We have received an information the Meloni groups after the tragic incident that caused the death of Giovanni Meloni . the discovery of his illegitimate child Emilia Nannetti according to his last will is also a heir as equally as her brother Leonardo Meloni ..... And from our reliable source told us that as we speak and in this moments ..the two siblings are holding a meeting that may hold the future......" .

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