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((    Picture of Leo on the side.    ))

Rita pov :

" What!!! " .I wisperd yelled at Emily .because I didn't want to wake up Sophie. I was leaning on the kitchen counter while Emily sitting on the chair facing me at 3 in the morning both of us sipping of our mugs of hot cocoa . After telling me what happened today With her stepbrother .

" are you nuts? After all what he have done and said. Let me tell you my friend! clearly You are going mental for even thinking to accept his offer "

I was losing my temper after long day.load with studies. Shifts And obnoxious people who think just because they have money .that they are superior or worth living better than we do .I know I might seemed to stereotyping rich people and that's bit unfaire But as sad ad is mostly true. I'm not the one to judge people based on theire raking in society but those models really get under my skin ( long - story - short I had a rough day ) . To come home relax few hours. But no. I can't have that luxury. Because apparently miss gullible decided to agree with the devil's spawn to live with him. Not only that but to drag Sophie with her.

" listen Rita. I know that this might upset you ,but you better hear me out. "

" go ahead! Tell me the reason you let him walk on your pride and your dignity. Then manipulate you to agree live with him. Not only that ! But he didn't even give you your rights ! He called you gold digger, threatened you and the list go on and on. So tell me. I really wanna know!! "

I gave her my best glare motioning for her to start with my hand.
She starts fudging .nervously. so I cut her out.

"Any Time soon now! " I was irritated and she wasn't helping my case with her silence right now.

" okey. I know that sound bad to hear. And. I know that he despise me. I do too if I were him I would do the same plus he still my brother ." I watched her Try make excuses that we both know are complete BS.

" cut the crap Emilia !! . I want the truth " .

"Okey. He knows about my past life style. " I already know that .I thought then I gave her pointed look to add more so she continued.

" he told me that he'll clear every thing in my records. He'll gave me a huge amount of money to get my life back on track. He'll even sign up Sophie in one of the high-profile school. Think what's this mean to sophie. I'll never have to worry about life expanse "

"Oh yeah how can you be so sure that he's gonna keep up to his words. Didn't he offers you money in the first place .after that throw you out of his company. The man is unpredictable.ruthless billionaire . How can you trust him . But most importantly what's the catch Emilia ?. I know that you've been holding off somethin, don't Try and lie to me I know you like the back of my hand . ".

Em tried to deny but what I said shushes her out. So instead she averted her gaze guilty.
" I'm sorry Rina "

she called me by my nickname. " I didn't mean to lie to you but I can't keep living like this! I m tired of busting my as$ all day . I don't want for sophie this life. I wanna go were I belong. I never had a family that for who I am Till I met you, but you must understand that I'm doing this Just for soph. I know that I promised you that I won't get back to that life and I won't, but sometimes. It's just too much!! " I watched her put in the palm of her hand. Holding herself from bad memories. I approached her hugged her and soothed her to not cry.trying to ease her pain. Though I know it won't .I know better because I had to endure the same amount of pain if not worst. But the least I could do is comfort her by letting her know. I'm there for her. Emily put her head on my shoulder. The only comforting thing was silence soothing the emptiness in our souls.

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