Part one:A king?

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Y/N's point of view
I was walking through a grassy field looking for the quote on quote "king Julian" whatever they mean by that. As I finally reached my destination I looked up at what seemed to be an ordinary tree but then I heard him...
"Hello you lovely ladies!" He said with his smirk then he looked down at me "Well isn't this a surprise another beautiful person to praise me" he climbed down raising an eyebrow "look you- you whatever you are I was told to come here by my father to pro-" I stared at him as he was eating fruit from one of the other lemurs hand "are they sure he's a king-" I said in my mind with a blank stare. A few moments later of being his slave , he came up to me and put his paw on my cheek and said "you have very beautiful e/c eyes you know" I couldn't believe it but I started to blush. "NO I COULDN'T BE FALLING FOR THAT THING?!" I said in my head as I looked away blushing a bit.

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