Chapter 58

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lauren's POV:

It's been a couple days since John and Peyton got home from the hospital. I haven't talked to Peyton since the hospital cause i'm letting him heal without being bothered. But right now i'm trying to busy myself with looking stuff up on Youtube. I can't stop thinking about Peyton though this would have never happened if I didn't go to the park to find the other Lauren.

"Knock, knock." I heard behind me. I turned around to see Amy standing there.

"Come in." I told her turning back around towards the computer.

"lauren you haven't came out of your room for days neither have you eaten." She said sitting next to me.

"I know." I said looking down.

"You have to eat sometime, or your gonna get sick and Peyton wouldn't want that." She said putting her hand on my shoulder.

"It's my fault that Peyton and John got hurt if I never went to the park this would have never happened." I said letting a tear drop from my eyes.

"it's not your fault, it's the person who ran into them's fault." She said getting up to leave.

"Thanks Ames." I said looking back up to the computer. She left and I kept watching things until my phone started going off. I picked it up and it read Peyton so I pressed answer.

"Hello." I said glumly.

"lauren we haven't talked in a while so I was wondering what's wrong." He said sounding worried.

"I've just been blaming myself for what happened." I replied.

"lauren it wasn't your fault and you know that." He told me.

"That's what everybody else keeps saying." I said. "But i'm trying to believe it but it's hard to get past it."

"lauren i'm coming over there right now okay, and we are going to do something fun." He said hanging up before I could object. I sat back in my chair until I heard the doorbell, that was fast.

"lauren Peyton's here." Lisa called out to me.

I stood up without putting pressure on my foot, I limped down the stairs and some pain came back because I haven't been taking good care because I walk on it to much. I got down stairs to see Peyton there talking to Lisa by the front door.

"You ready to go do something fun." he said getting all cheary.

"I guess." I replied getting kind of excited.

We said goodbye and then walked to my car and Peyton drove to the beach. We got out and went to this cliff, and sat down and was talking until the sun started going down so we watched the sunset. Even though he said it was fun but it was relaxing for me and my foot.

"lauren, just know what happened wasn't your fault." He told me still staring off into the sky. I leaned my head back on his chest and we watched the sunset until it was dark and we walked back to the car and went home. And I think I got past blaming myself, because of what Peyton said. We got back to my house to see nobody there then I found a note that read.

Dear, Peyton and lauren

We went to the diner down by the park, cause we got it after it closed for the night but they let us in so come down whenever you see this.


Mom (Mrs. Cimorelli)

We got back in the car and drove to the diner that was near the park and went inside then I sat down, and then Peyton sat down next to me after we found the rest of them.

"Hey Peyton, and lauren." Mrs. Smith said.

"Hi." Me and Peyton replied at the same time then we laughed.

"We already ordered your food for both of you because we already knew what you guys wanted." Lisa said smiling at both of us.

We sat there talking until our food came and I ate part of my food which was a chicken sandwich. Afterwards we went back to our house, Peyton and all them including my sisters left back to there house. I went to the living room and since my sisters were gone at Peyton's house I decided to watch tv then my brothers and mom and dad came down and left for there vacation so the girls and I can have some time to ourselves. And that's why we had that dinner before they leave.

"Be good and since the rest are gone be careful." Dad said hugging me.

"Dad, i'll be fine they're coming back in a little bit." I said pulling away and hugging the rest.

They all left and I sat back down on the couch and was watching tv then got a call from Katherine that they were staying the night at Peyton's house.

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