Injured Fem Reader - Kakuzu

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"What the hell were you thinking?"

"Well I - "

"He's fucking immortal!"

"Well yeah bu- - "

"He can't die!"

"I know - -"

"Even if he could die, just let him! Don't stand in the way!"

"..Well I thought it was quite heartwarming" Hidan teased, tendrils sprung out of Kakuzu's spare hand and choked the man.

"You have no say in this, shut up before I really do find a way to kill your annoying ass"

Kakuzu turned back to you with a fiercer glare than before. The wound on your arm finally stopped bleeding. Probably from the insane pressure he is putting on it whilst scolding you for letting yourself fall into harms way, quite literally.

"Can I speak now?" you mumble out looking away from him. Whatever you said would still cause his scowl to burn into the side of your skull but he wouldn't even let you speak. Hidan was probably thinking this is the most he's spoken in the past 5 minutes.

"Look, I know he's immortal, but it was just a knee jerk reaction alright? If Hidan lost his head mid fight, then it would cause more issues for us, right?"

"Who said I was going to lose my head?!" Hidan pipes up with a horse voice, soothing his neck from his bruised windpipe as he sat up again.

Kakuzu and yourself just stared at him with hooded eyes, likely thinking the same thing.

Kakuzu began to clean the wound on your arm, it was a lot deeper than you expected and everytime you went to look down at it, he would swiftly move your face by the chin to look away. Dealing with a nuisance of a partner, a temporary partner who seems to have a death wish in order to save an 'immortal' and who is likely to faint from the horrific wound they're constantly wincing at, would not be ideal right now.

"This is going to hurt" he says, allowing the threads to do their work.

"Oh please..I can - - - HNNGGHHH" Kakuzu shoved a stick in your mouth just in time. You bit down hard and let out a pained squeal as the stitching began.

"Hey..keep your eyes open!" Hidan started lightly slapping your cheeks to keep you awake but the pain was a little too much for you. Hidan instantly held your shoulders to keep you still as Kakuzu worked on keeping your arm in one piece. Hidan sighed out, dramatically, letting his head roll back up at the sky, "Aw man, your girl needs to get used to this sort of shit and not pass out at the smallest of pain!"

Kakuzu's eyes froze onto Hidan for his words, he said nothing though.

"What, don't give me that look, you fucking like her it's obvious"

Kakuzu's eyes squinted at his partner, the look could not decipher his emotion. Was he confused, annoyed or what? Hidan continued regardless, "I've seen you angry, I rile you up any chance I can fucking get but as soon as [Y/N] jumps out to ...protect me, you went on a rampage on that guy!! Knowing you, you could have killed him in one swift attack, but no. You go all crazy barbaric style and rip him to shreds. Now I'm not fucking complaining, it was pretty awesome to see, but aren't you the one who always tells me CONSTANTLY to make sure they're recognisable for your bounty shit? That, isn't recognisable" Hidan smirked looking back at the massacare his partner left.

Kakuzu trailed his eyes over at the body. He's right. As soon as you took the blow that was originally targeted onto Hidan, something sparked inside Kakuzu. Rage fuelled him, his eyes burned red. It was as if the threads in his body took over. The man was torn apart, limb from limb with utter brute strength. His head was stamped into the ground, into a bloodied mess. Nothing stopped him from overdoing it until he heard your voice hiss at the pain in your arm and then call his name out for help.

It's not that Kakuzu feels...embarrassed by his sudden reaction, it's just problematic that Hidan called him out on his blinded feelings for you. He saw you as a valid team member, aside from your sudden actions today; you are strong, intelligent and bring more money into the Akatsuki better than some partners combined. He always thought it was admiration he felt for you, respect too. But maybe it is something more.. he wouldn't react this way to anyone else. He shook the thoughts out of his head. He needed, wanted to concentrate on your wound and get all of you to a safer spot until you awoke. Once done, he picked you up with gentle ease and stood, "Next time be quicker and push her out the way if she does that again."

Hidan frowns, bringing himself up to his feet, "Hey you fucker, don't ignore me. And don't blame her actions on me! Not my fault she's fucking weak"

Kakuzu turned swiftly and kicked Hidan hard in the stomach, "She's not weak at all. She's just too caring for her own good"

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