Madara's Infinite Tsukuyomi

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Fluttering eyelashes brushes quickly against his cheeks. The heated sun rays burnt his skin lightly from the bedroom window. Madara looked around surprised to be in his own bed, in his own home. The last he recalled he was in the midst of battle. He felt his chest and arms. He even pulled at his hair to see it clearly back to black and no longer bleached white. A press on his forehead told him the 3rd red eye no longer existed. He was dressed in his casual Uchiha robes rather than his armour. Wounds and blood were no more.
He kicked the sheets off his legs and moved to the side of the bed, brushing his hands in his hair as he took a deep breath.

...Did it work?

Madara's ears perked at the sudden sound of footsteps down the hallway, a knock was heard at his door. A sudden uncertainty hit him. He lived alone. No servants, no family, just himself. The only exception being Obito and Zetsu long ago. Another knock took him out of his thoughts as he got up to open the door. With a twist of the doorknob it was kicked opened by the opposer, Madara was jumped on with arms wrapping around his neck. He heard the familiar voice, "Big Brother! You're always so lazy sleeping in, It's time to go!"

Madara became bewildered momentarily taking in the voice, he felt the soft long ponytail through his fingers. The emblem on their back shun brightly. It was Izuna Uchiha. Madara instantly held him tightly as if this wasn't true.
"Big Brother...too...tight" Madara chuckled with disbelief.

It worked..It actually worked!

He allowed his younger brother to breathe by letting loose of his grip, Izuna stood back and headed for Madara's wardrobe pulling out clothes and chucking them in the direction of the bed. Some landing on it, some on the floor.
"Come big brother you're going to be late!"

"Late for what exactly?"

Izuna gave his elder brother a puzzled look added with a smirk. "Quit playing, let's go already! We have to meet the Senjus!"

Madara raised an eyebrow whilst collecting the clothing Izuna continued to throw across the room, "Senjus? Are we at war?"

Izuna paused and stared at Madara like he was an idiot, "Okay you're still half asleep..go bathe, wake yourself up. I'll get to the preparations" Izuna pushed Madara into the large bathroom, closing the door behind him. "Just hurry up okay!?" Madara stared at the closed door before running the bath, sitting on the edge as he contemplated what his dream would entail him.

He thought carefully about everything he wanted as he sat in that dreary cave for 3/4 of his life, growing old waiting for Obito to achieve his dream for him which caused the 4th great shinobi war. Currently he is just grateful for his younger brother being alive and not succumbing to his death by Tobirama Senju. That's right.. he thought. Izuna mentioned meeting the Senjus. Could it be the peace treaty? The fact that Izuna is smiling excitedly rather than frowning over the Senju's means we must already be on good terms.. perhaps in this life, Hashirama and I were always able to be friends without the disapproval of our fathers..

Madara undressed and lowered his body in the bath, the heat of the water told him the Infinite Tsukuyomi was more than a dream; it was his new, unique personalised reality. He took a moment to take it all in and enjoyed the moment of peace. Something he felt he hadn't had in a long time due to the war he was not long ago participating in. He looked down to his chest and felt his left breast area. No sign of Hashirama's cells.

For a moment he felt annoyed as that gave him an increase in power but then also relieved, meaning that that old reality was now a dream in his mind and non existent in this one. Once he finished up, he wrapped a towel around his waist and got ready for the day ahead. He wasn't exactly sure what but he assumed it can't be any worse than his old reality.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2021 ⏰

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