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[Lord Vain]

But Suddenly Vain stopped himself in his tracks feeling a swift and quite sudden shift in the force feeling a very powerful presence that was poweful within the dark side. This presence felt odd and strange, very mysterious, it could just be from earlier or perhaps something else coming from the castle. No, to him the presence was very far from where he was in the Fortress and this planet for that matter, perhaps it was coming from outside the fortress... Vain stood in silence reflecting on the possibility that someone could be here, perhaps his master had came for him to check up on his progress. 'hmmm whatever it may be, I must investigate... It's likely that whoever they are will be here soon enough' Lord Vain thought over before continuing to walk away and go to the entrance of Vader's fortress so that he may investigate who had came to Mustafar.

Vain walked over to the entrance as he opened the blast door with ease when calling upon the dark side of the force to give him his strength, he steps outside the Fortress looking out at the view in front of him that was Corvax Fen, a forest area of the planet that was home to a cult called the Alazmec of winsit. Vain walked away from the entrance of the Fortress closing the doorway that

[Lord Vain]

Vain chuckled when the woman had called her self empress along with calling herself his master's granddaughter, he had never been told about any granddaughter from palpatine at all. "I find it hard to believe that you would be the granddaughter of my master. And what makes you think that I have anything to gain by lying to you other than dying by your hand?" Vain had questioned the woman who had her blade very close to his neck, he could sense the anger swelling inside of her as he had said palpatine's name before. He could tell that she was full disbelief, but he could sense that the anger wasn't all directed towards him. No, it was toward something else, perhaps someone else.

'Hmm perhaps she is telling the truth... Why else would she be so full of anger? Better yet how could she have attaned a lightsaber unless it was from palpatine?' he thought as he started to figure out that she might be telling the truth after all. "I can sense your anger... Along with your feelings of disbelief as you look at me. If I were a pretender than how would I be able to know that Palpatine was Snoke all along? Or that I know about Kylo Ren and Palpatine's plans for the final order with Exegol?" Vain had told the woman revealing what he knew and telling her that he knew what she was feeling at this moment. "I was there with him since before he even turned Kylo Ren. He found me as a child, he trained me and practically raised me as his own when he was Snoke before I knew that he was behind him. That he was him all along"

[Empress Palpatine]

"I don't believe it." A lie she thought, she did partially believe him, but she wanted to take him in for questioning anyway. The first thing that came to her mind was to reach into his mind. Just as Ren had done to her when they first met. If he was able to resist it, the probe droids would likely earn their use. The empress had been holding her saber in her right hand, so she used the comlink attached to her left sleeve to contact her Star Destroyer. "Send me a shuttle." She ordered, careful to not take her attention off of her new prisoner. An officer responded on the other end of the comlink saying "Yes ma'am." and immediately went to work on sending the shuttle down. "We will see if you're actually telling the truth. Your saber. Where is it?" She asked, quickly glancing around. "Are there any others with you?" Rey hadn't sensed any other people there, but perhaps they were able to hide their presence from her. Unlikely, but still a possibility.

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