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[Beyond the Corvax Fen Forest, General Tripp, Final Order General]

"What took you two so long?" General Tripp questioned the two sith troopers as he waited for them near the entry ramp of the XI-Class Shuttle for the last 20 minutes waiting impatiently for them. "We got orders from the Empress to bring him aboard her destroyer," A12 said breathing heavily as he took deep breaths from carrying the man all the way here to the shuttle for the last 17 minutes. They both stop for a moment letting themselves take a breather "Why? What does she want with this man?" He questioned them curiously as to why the empress would want to take this man as a prisoner. "We don't know. We didn't ask questions'' A12 answered, still exhausted after all that weight of that man on his shoulder for so long. General Tripp sighs and orders "Whatever doesn't matter. Hurry up and get him aboard. The empress does not accept incompetence". And with that, He turns away from them with his hands clasped at the middle of his back as he walks away from them walking up the shuttle's entry ramp.


After Tripp had entered the shuttle he & A17 looked at each other "You good to go?" He asked, wondering if A17 was ready to get moving again to get aboard the shuttle. "Yeah.... Let's go" he said, still breathing heavily for a little bit. He assumed he had enough rest for him to catch his breath and gain back his strength and was just breathing slowly for a bit. They both then began walking once again carrying their prisoner away with them to the shuttle. Both walk up the entry ramp at a slow lumbering pace as they carry their captive's weight along with them into the cargo hold of the shuttle. Once they are aboard the entry ramp gets brought back up, slowly sealing them inside the shuttle. He and A17 then brought the prisoner to the left side of the cargo bay, setting him down on one of the port bench seats. They sat him down gently in the port seat along with them taking their own. As they were about to be taking off any second.

They both take their seats with their prisoner sitting unconsciously right between the two. So that when they arrived they would be ready to pick him back up again and carry him over to the holding cell for the empress for whatever fate lies for him. The ion engines roared to life as the shuttle prepared for take-off with A12 feeling the vibrations from the floor. Feeling the ship lift off from the ground. The shuttle then lifts off from the surface of Mustafar as the landing gear retracts slowly as the ship ascends upward into the sky at an accelerating rate. The XI-class shuttle flew fast out of the atmosphere and into the cold void of space where the Super Star Destroyer of Empress Palpatine called "the acolyte" orbited the planet Mustafar from above. On Approaching the destroyer the shuttle decelerates as it draws closer to flying toward one of the destroyer's three hangar bays located at its port side.

[Space, General Tripp]

General Tripp leaves the cockpit and walks into the cargo bay and stands near the doorway. "We're approaching the hangar bay. Be ready to take the prisoner to his holding cell as soon as we land inside. And remember to make it fast" General Tripp ordered telling them to get it done fast and to be ready when they land. "Yes sir," A12 & A17 said at the same time as they both responded to him. Tripp then turned away and walked right back into the cockpit where the pilot and copilot were stationed piloting the shuttle while A12 and A17 sat still and awaited their landing. After a few minutes, they fly into one of the Super Star Destroyer's hangar bays at a low speed with the shuttle descending to land in the designated area they were assigned to after they were given clearance to board.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2021 ⏰

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