Part 13

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Lucas's PoV:

After Y/N bombarded me with questions I explained to her what happened, she calmed down after a while then I took her to her bedroom and placed her down on the bed. Soon enough she fell asleep, I tried not to leave her side but I knew that Taeyong needed me. I whispered to her "Y/N I'm sorry but my boyfriend and the rest of the lads need me, I hope we are forgiven" and with that I left her sleeping.

I ran to my boyfriend making sure all the door and windows were locked. "Tyongie" I hugged him and he hugged me back "Babe, your ok, is Y/N though?" I smiled and nodded. We didn't let go until we heard Mark. All of us ran to Ateez, Stray Kids and BTS. All fourty six of us fought and won. We went back to our headquarters. I heard someone call out "DRINKS ON ME!"

End of Lucas's PoV

Hongjoong's PoV:

I shouted "DRINKS ON ME!" and I saw all the boys cheering. We went to "the black Jaguar" and I saw this girl on the stage. I asked my brother, the bartender, who she was and he said "that's Lillith" she came up to me and started flirting with me. She gave me more drinks to the point where I was fucking hammered or so she thought, it was actually water, I was perfect sober. Then we went to the "red room" and she did the unforgettable thing on earth.

I never thought that it could happen to a male but I was wrong. She raped me. Then I realised that it was my ex girlfriend, Lillith Jones. I pushed her off and called her a psychopath. Then I got dressed and told the boys I was going home to Y/N. "My babies I'm coming" I cried as I was on my way home, my limousine driver, Jackson, saw me crying "Are you ok sir?" I shook my head. I explained what happened not leaving out any details "sir when you get home, go and rest you will need it" I nodded my head with tears still streaming down my face. I got in and found my baby sleeping in our bed. I bent down and kissed her head then her bump.

Our small baby bump. I'm so happy to have Y/N as mine. As soon as I done killing my rivals I'll propose to her and make sure we have our wedding after our baby is born.

End of Hongjoong's PoV

Y/N's dream/PoV:

Throughout the night I woke up to intense pain. I didn't want to wake up Hongjoong so I called a taxi to the hospital.

After three hours. They told me I had lost my baby, due to overstress. I was in tears knowing I lost my baby. My beautiful unborn baby. I went home to find that Hongjoong was awake. "WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU" He yelled not caring about my state. I stuttered "I-I wa-was a-at th-the hosp-hospital" then I fell to the floor crying harder.

I soon woke up and remembered I needed to go to the hospital for an ultrasound to check on my baby. I got there to see Hongjoong's brother's boyfriend Jay B.

"Y/N how can I help you?" He asked with a smile. I explained that I needed an ultrasound on the baby and he did that, I am three months pregnant, with twins a girl and a boy.

I got home and told Hongjoong the baby's gender. All afternoon we were looking for the perfect baby name then it clicked. "Kim Yeonjun and Kim Miracle" we both smiled at the names

Half way through the pregnancy, I called all my best friends and Hongjoong called all his best friends, we found the perfect venue to throw the baby shower.

After all gifts, we were doing the gender reveal. It was quite tense for everyone. Except for me and Hongjoong of couse. We asked Woosan to pop the black balloons.

"IT'S TWINS" I shouted with happiness. All our friends hugged us. But then I saw my ex best friend, Hongjoong's ex girlfriend, Lillith, walk through "I see a jealous bitch has come to ruin our fucking baby shower!" I said getting ready to punch her. But I felt Lisa and Rosé holding me back. "Y/N your a pregnant woman with two beautiful babies, let us deal with her" then Lisa and Rosé kicked the crap out of Lillith. With every kick came out a "that's for" "THAT WAS FOR CHEATING ON HONGJOONG" shouted Rosé "THAT WAS FOR TRYING TO KILL Y/N" Yelled Lisa then my sister Jennie jumped in and cried "THAT WAS FOR RAPING HONGJOONG YOU DISGUSTING WHORE" I turned to Hongjoong who was in tears. I walked over to him and lifted his head. I wiped his tears and kissed his lips.

Then I saw lucyong kicking her out. I soon told everyone it was time to go, Jennie, Jisoo, Lisa and Rosé left, meanwhile, Stray Kids, Ateez, NCT, BTS and GOT7, stayed behind to help clean up. After cleaning up we all went home. As soon as me and Hongjoong got in we walked to our room spoke about what happened. He soon felt tired and fell asleep on my lap as usual after half an hour I woke him up and made sure he claimed under the bedding to keep warm. But this time he got up and picked up our favourite blanket and placed it down on us both. We were cuddling up in bed like it was the first time.

End of Y/N's PoV

Hongjoong's PoV:

I had on hand our baby bump. And I had my other arm around her. I remember how I went from a biker, to a mafia, to a mafia boss and now a dad of two beautiful babies. Miracle and Yeonjun. I can't wait to hold my babies. Not just one, not just two. But all three of them.

Two proud parents of two beautiful children. I soon feel my arm get heavy, it was my sleeping angel. My sweet baby girl. I could stay like this forever. I can't wait to change her name from "Lee" to "Kim".

End of Hongjoong's PoV

Y/N's PoV:

(Six month time skip)

I screamed in pain but after three hours it stopped. I heard crying and it was my two beautiful babies, "Oh Hongjoonie aren't they beautiful, Yeonjun looks exactly like you and look at Miracle she looks like me" I held our daughter as Hongjoong held our son. I spent three night at the hospital.

End of Y/N's PoV

End of part thirteen

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