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Amy walked into her apartment and threw herself on her bed. She didn't care that she was still in her work clothes. She was exhausted. Her hair could be on fire, and she still wouldn't care. "Joey, read my messages," She says, closing her eyes.

"Of course, Amy. Your mother has left you several messages. They all sound...unpleasant. Would you like to hear them?"

"No, next." Amy groaned. The last thing she needs right now is to hear her mother tell her that she is a disappointment to the family. It turns out, that not taking your family with you when you move up in ranking is frowned upon.

"Right. The next message is from Mrs. Mallory. She wants you to interview the head of The Wright Investigations agency. She states that she wants coverage of today's riot. Would you like to respond?"

"Tell her I'll do it. Can you make an appointment for me?" Amy asked, sitting up on the bed. for the millionth time

"Yes, ma'am. Message sent. The last message is from Dr. Lesslie. She wants to see you. You missed your last therapy session. Would you like to reschedule?"

Amy laid back on the bed. Her eyes drifted to the ceiling fan. Memories of The Rating Games flashed in her mind. All the death and despair that followed her all this time came crashing down at once. If not for Isaiah, she would be living in ignorant bliss. Would that be better? She thought.

"I'll think about it. I don't feel like talking right now. While I'm on the subject, reorder my anxiety medication. I'm almost out." Amy got up and changed into a tank top and sweatpants. She grabs a half-eaten sandwich and sits down at the dining table.

"Already done. Would you like to watch television while you eat?" Joey asked.

"Nah, I've had my fill of news today."

As she says that, a new message appears on Joey's screen. "Ma'am? You have a new message. It seems urgent."

Amy rolls her eyes. "I swear if it's from my mother again."

"No, ma'am. It's not from your mother. It's from The Rating Games Board. I believe it would be best if you read this yourself." Joey sent the message to Amy's phone.

"I don't want to read anything stressful right now, Joey. I'm tired. Whatever it is, it can wait until tomorrow." Amy threw her plate in the garbage and went back to bed.

"It can not wait. You need to respond to it right now, ma'am. There may be consequences if you ignore it."

Reluctantly, Amy picked up her phone. After scrolling through it for a moment, she came across the message. Then she threw her phone across the room. Shattering a vase.

"Ma'am? Your heart rate is rapidly increasing." Joey said.

"No. No. Not again. Lucian, not again. I-I can't. This has to be a joke. Some sick joke. Joey, please tell me this is fake." Amy begged as tears ran down her face.

"I'm afraid that it is not a joke." Joey reads the message. "Amy Martin has been ordered to participate in the upcoming The Rating Games; this is non-negotiable," Joey said.

Amy's screams echo through the apartment.

The Legacies (Sequal to The Unrated)Where stories live. Discover now