The death of Snowlight

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Unfortunately our captain Snowlight had died from a badger attack. My dad walked up onto the rock in the field colony base clearing. "Can all cats old enough, strong enough to run in our fields gather around the rock for a colony meeting, our beloved captain Snowlight had died from a badger attack so we must sit in a silent visal for her." Dad said. "But before we do, I have to appoint a new second for the colony second." Dad said. Hobblefern knew that she was going to be picked. She stood up as dad looked at her. "Hobblefern, will you be Field colony's next second in command." Dad said. "Yes dad, I will." Hobblefern said as she walked over to sit next to dad. "Now let's sit in a silent visal for our beloved captain Snowlight. To let Snowlight know that she will be missed by the whole colony." Dad said as Lightningbreeze put her tail on my back and I put my head into Lightningbreeze's mane. Swanpetal joined us. "After this visal for Snowlight, I have something special for you Black." Lightningbreeze said quietly. I thought about those words that Lightningbreeze told me. I have something special for you. We sat in silence for our captain Snowlight. After a long visal for Snowlight, Dad became Wolffang; the swift hunter. I looked down at my paws fidgeting with sadness. Lightningbreeze had her tail on my back. My grandmothers were having their kitten. Reed and White with their mates Hawknose and Nightfur.

Our Story continued (Wolffang, Darkspot, Spotteddream, and their kits)Where stories live. Discover now