The burial of Snowlight and Lightningbreeze's kitting

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My father and the council buried Snowlight in the field colony territory. Now my father and sister are in charge of the whole colony's well being. Lightningbreeze and I walked into the base. I have something special for you Black. I thought to myself as Lightningbreeze suddenly spoke. "I'm having two of your kittens." Lightning said. "That's great Lightning. Should we talk to the keepers and the herbalist?" I asked. "Yeah, we should." Lightningbreeze said. We walked over to our three keepers. "Ah, Lightningbreeze and Blackmane nice to see you. I see that you are expecting kittens." Jaggedpool said as Tornear and Fernleaves walked into base and towards us. "Yeah. Well I'm excited." Lightningbreeze said. Our herbalist Snowsight walked over to us. "We should prepare a special nest when your kitting." Snowsight said. "Come with us." Tornear said. "Yeah, we have to get a specialized nest for two of our strongest rangers." Snowsight said as we walked to the healers den. The keepers were hard at work on making a nest for Lightningbreeze and I to rest when we are waiting for our kittens to be born. We already settled on names for our kittens Adder and Sabor. I could hear the colony talking about how excited they are for my kittens to be born. I felt a wave of pain in my belly. "Ach." I yelped as I felt a kick from my kittens. "Blackmane are you okay?" Lightningbreeze asked. "Yeah I am, Ach... I feel like our other two kittens are coming in a few years... Ach..." I said. "Just rest, Tornear." Lightningbreeze said as Tornear pricked his torn ear towards us. "Yeah Lightningbreeze?" Tornear asked. "Could you please get Blackmane something to eat to make her pain stop? I'm worried about her." Lightningbreeze said. "Yes, I will Lightningbreeze. I will be right back." Tornear said as he walked out of the tall grass and towards the fresh-kill pile. He picked up a rather large adder. He walked back to the tall grass. "Here you go Blackmane, I know it's not much," Tornear said as he nudged the adder towards me. "eat, it will help subside the pain." Tornear urged as I began to eat.

Our Story continued (Wolffang, Darkspot, Spotteddream, and their kits)Where stories live. Discover now