Not an update yet, sorry! I just like to talk to you's :)

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As the title states, this is not an update! Sorry about that. I am almost done the next one, but for now, I just wanted to chat. So, hello, people of the world! I like talking to you. :) If you're strictly here for the story then just disregard this post and I'll see ya next update. 

Firstly, thank you for all the reads, votes and comments! I know I don't always reply to every single one, but I absolutely read them all. They are greatly appreciated. 

Secondly, I am overwhelmed by the response to Britney's character LOL I wasn't really sure what to expect. When people first started suggesting that I write her in somehow, I totally thought it would be interesting and a fun challenge for me. I just didn't know how it would come across. Obvi, you's are here to read about Chim so I know it's quite the stray from your usual Chim fics. But thanks for allowing me to indulge myself. 

On that note: I've been getting messages, tweets, DM's etc, all over the place (Wattpad, Twitter, Instagram, etc etc.) of people saying they're "becoming Britney fans" or "seeing Britney in a new light" because of this story haha I find that dead cute. Although it's fictional, I always tend to draw inspiration from real life, so the way I've written her is how I perceive her, personality-wise. 

I have also received messages like "Oh, I want to get into Britney now!" which I also find extremely cute. So if any of you are looking for a place to start, well, you've come to the right girl. I'm a (self-proclaimed) Britney expert. I'm sure I have a badge somewhere in my heap of memorabilia from the last 17 years. 

1) Start with her studio albums. All 8 of them in chronological order. BOMT (1999) all the way to Britney Jean (2013).

2) Watch her VMA performances. Yes, even the dreadful clumsiness of 2007. 

3) Watch her tours. All of them. She's a legend for her theatrics and creative mind, first and foremost.

4) Watch her documentaries rather than her interviews ("Britney: For The Record" is amazing and you'll notice that Cheryl's AAA doc is quite similar). Interviews are not, and never have been, her strong point. They're not worth watching if you're looking to get to know her. ESPECIALLY anything post 2007. She's just a shell of herself going through the motions. And once you get to know her career, you'll see exactly what I mean. Seriously, if you mention "interview" to any Britney stan, they'll cringe and you'll hear crickets. LOL Our standard of a "good interview" these days is if she keeps her use of  "cool" to a minimum of 100 times and uses "you know" a maximum of 5 times...per sentence.

You know, my baby just doesn't, well, you know, she doesn't like answering know? It's cool, you know. Really cool. So cool. 

BUT, if you're nosy, like me, I can definitely link you to a couple that are tolerable. 

Also, this totally works both ways! Share some fangirl knowledge with me, too, please! I love learning new things about the girls. Or any other faves you might have! Share the fangirl wealth! I am a lover of many, many celebs. 

That's all :) I've gotten some requests for more Britney/Cheryl moments so I'll definitely try to whip up a few more in upcoming chapters. But then it will be time to move along and perhaps introduce another celeb character. I was thinking I might use her as a FOIL-type character for Cheryl on occasion but that's probably it.  

Thanks for indulging! In the simple words of Britney accepting her PCA last year, "This is so cool!" 

Articulate and eloquent as ever, Britney Jean. *applause* 

Don't laugh. My baby doesn't like acceptance speeches either. You know. 


CHIM - One Hundred Dozen (Lesbian Story) (Cheryl, Kimberley, Girls Aloud)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang