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"How I talk to her is none of your business

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"How I talk to her is none of your business."

Kazz smirked as he studied James, this prat really thought he could talk to his girlfriend the way he wanted? He had another thing coming if he thought he was going to insult his girlfriend or give her shit for standing up for her friend. He knew Althea could take care of herself but he wanted the Marauders to understand that she had moved on and wasn't alone anymore. She was a fighter and none of them were going to bring her down.

"It is. She's my girlfriend, she's her own person but you're having a laugh if you think I'm going to let you insult her. After everything you and your friends put her through, I'm not going to stand by and let you talk shit about her or to her. Piss off, or the next time I see you anywhere near her, I'll hurt you. You and I both know the kind of damage I can do." Kazz threatened. He wasn't a confrontational person but he never had any problems standing up for the people he cared about. He'd gotten multiple detentions for beating up anyone that bullied his younger sisters, hence why he had no problem getting into trouble for standing up for Althea.

James scoffed, "I'm not scared of you."

"That may be but trust me when I tell you I can become your worst nightmare if needs be. If you so much as look at her, I will hurt you. You may think you run the school but you're nothing more than a bunch of ignorant pricks that think everyone should fall at their feet. Grow up because the world doesn't revolve around any of you twats." Kazz glared at James.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" Sirius interrupted.

Kazz scoffed, "You know I have never met anyone so vile, despicable and selfish. You claimed to love her, yet you treated her like absolute filth. When she needed you, you turned your back on her. Before anything happened between you both, she was your friend. A friend that needed you but you all left her high and dry. You should all be ashamed of yourselves." Kazz yelled at them. They tried to put on a brave face but anyone could see they were scared.

Althea stood, standing in front of Kazz, placed a hand on his cheek, "Calm down, love. They're not worth it." Kazz leaned into her touch as he visibly calmed down. "Can we leave?" She asked. As much as she appreciated Kazz standing up for her but the whole confrontation was making her anxiety worse and all she wanted was to leave the library.

Kazz nodded before pressing a kiss to her hand. He moved to stand in front of Althea as he gathered her things and gathered them in his hands. He turned to look at Lily, "Would you like me to walk you to your common room?" She clearly looked uncomfortable from her encounter with James and he was not about to leave her alone with them.

"She's not going anywhere with you." James snarled and moved to grab Lily's hand but didn't get far as Kazz grabbed a hold of his wrist.

"I wouldn't try that if I was you." Kazz growled as he waited for Lily to gather her stuff and move so she was standing next to Althea. He glared at the Marauders as he escorted the ladies back to their common room but Althea refused to let him leave her.

"I sleep better when you're with me." She softly spoke.

He didn't protest as he laid down next to her so she could cuddle him, "How are you feeling?" He knew the whole confrontation must have brought up some feelings for her and increased her anxiety. He hated seeing her upset but he knew she had to talk about it, it was part of her therapy after all.

Althea sighed, "Tired. Jittery. Trying to regulate myself. As much as I appreciated you putting them in their place, I guess I just wasn't ready for it. I wasn't ready to face like that after everything they had done to me and I feel so disappointed in myself."

Kazz hugged her tighter to him, "You have no reason to be disappointed. It's okay not to be ready. You have been through so much and its going to take time before you overcome everything. You are so brave and its okay to not be there. Just because you're not there yet, doesn't mean you haven't come far. I am so proud of you and I know its hard but you're not alone. I've got you, always and so do other people, like your brother and best friends. You are not alone."

"I'm scared that all my process has gone down the drain after seeing them today."

"No matter what happens you're not alone."

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