Part 5

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Like ghosts haunting a house, whispering under their breathes. The noises in my head getting louder and louder. They were replaying moments from my life. These weren't like the flashbacks, no, they were worse. You didn't know what was going to be said next nor did you know what the foreign voices meant until you experience it again:

"you're not good enough!" and "Go kill yourself!" were dominant. But every now and then, you could hear it. The faint words. They sounded dead, yet full of life and hope. The only words I need to hear:

"See you after school, I lo-"

No. no, no. NO! I needed to hear it again. They are the only words that keep me alive.

It does that all the time, depression, gives you empty hope, the feeling of belonging, the feeling of love. But it's like a drug; you eventually come down from the high, the thought that everything is okay, with a crash. All your feelings come the surface: love, hate, loneliness, loss, hope, tiredness.

But no one needs to know this, only depression knows all my thoughts. It's in control of me, my body, my mind. It knows that it's breaking me. It doesn't care, it never will. It wants me to suffer, to have nothing to look forward to. But it's yet to succeed. I have all I need so long as she's here. She's my last thread. The only piece of puzzle you need: love.

It was pissed. You could see the red in its eyes deepen, the raging anger boiling over. I began to laugh. It wasn't funny, to see something this scary, this evil, was far from funny. But I couldn't contain a giggle, it just came out.

It had stopped, the eyes deflated, it was life less. Closing in on itself, depression shrank. It was still there, but it was small, so small. Like a baby. A demon baby, but still a baby. I was confused. My laughter stopped.

I reached froward, cupping my hands as a platform for it to walk on. suspiciously, it waddled onto my hands. The eyes had changed, they where bright blue, shinny, lovable. I hugged it. Have I over come depression? Do I control 'it' now?

Depressions DemonWhere stories live. Discover now