flight of the iron spider (episode 5)

547 17 16

-pierces p.o.v-

a smile graced my face as i recalled the night before i could still taste and feel his soft delicate lips his scent intoxicated me deeply sending me to cloud nine i was in heaven this love was becoming my drug and i needed more this feeling is amazing he is amazing its as if it was no longer gravity holding me down to this earth but him daniel rand his lips are addictive and i am craving more and more every passing second.

i layed with my back on my bed as i stared up at the plain white ceiling my mind drifted further and further away from reality what would it be like to be held by his strong masculine arms,a small voice echoed what about harry? i furrowed my eyebrows what about him?.

'he loves you as much as danny' i rolled my eye's oh really than why did he use the term friend ? wait...why am i arguing with myself wow this love is really driving me crazy i sighed dreamily who cares if the loss of my sanity is what i must pay for this love than the heavens can have it all of it i heard a knock at the door i watched as it.

slowly creaked open like an eery sight of a horror movie there stood peter with a fire in his eye's burning him up from the inside "You kissed danny" he hissed i raised an eye brow 'play it cool' i spoke calmly "don't know what your talking about." he glared dagger's at me i gulped in fear.

he showed me a picture on his phone on the screen there was a picture as clear as day of me and danny locking lips."Everyone has seen it care to explain?" he spoke in a deeply annoyed tone i felt my palms begin to sweat 'well what now' before i could come up with an idea my mouth had a mind of its own "it was a dare please don't be mad i didn't know they took pictures".

he let out a deep sigh "what if harry see's this it would break his heart into a million pieces till nothing was left you should use your head more peirce" i narrowed my eye's at him "u-use my head how dare you i did use my head and i have no regrets kissing danny was the best thing i ever did and harry said it himself we are as he put it 'friends' so it wouldnt matter."

i jumped off of my bed anger seeping through every cell in my body how dare he even act like he knows what is going on i swiftly grab him by the arm dragging him to the door i roughly throw him out he fell back painfully he shot me a look of hurt i shut the door with a loud bang as i glared final daggers at my ignorant bother he looked to the ground.

as the door shut behind me guilt started to rise in my chest his right harry would be crushed and i just threw my brother out but how can i choose between harry and danny? i sighed as i grabbed my head what am i going to do what would the right thing be? (sorry if i am rusty i know i haven't updated in age's but alots going on and today i have subject selection i will be choosing my year 11 & 12 subject i am currently in year 10 i have and just finished a bunch of exams who knew being a senior meant so much work?)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2015 ⏰

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