Great responsibility(episode 2)

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After the rather friendly not sarcasm welcome peter and I were led into the hellicarrier for a trial or as fury likes to put it "a test to see what we can do individually"I was soon greeted rather bluntly by an agent who's name is unknown to me I look at my surroundings skeptically as I'm lead to the test room I look at the agent carefully a rather dull male he lead me into a dark spacious room

"so it's not a theoretical test I'm taking it" I say out loud only to be ignored with out a word the agent took his leave as the door shut a bright narrow light lit the room up and I glanced around my surroundings and moved forward slowly suddenly a robot shot at me and I did a front flip side kicking it unknown to me the audience that watched me

And it broke apart suddenly fury's voice appeared booming through the place"you have 60 seconds F'Y'I captain America did it in 10" I kept a calm level head and got into a short sideways fighting stance and readied myself for what was to come for me suddenly 5 robots surrounded me I smirked and hooked a web rope onto one with all my strength I swung it around like a wrecking ball destroying them all in under 5 seconds and look up at fury's direction I take off my mask.

Revealing my piercing blue eyes that look almost unreal with the slight glow to them I smirk and shout"come on you can do better than that I want a challenge"my piercing eyes glare in his and the others watching direction and more robots come out I punch leap kick flip with ease and grace showing off a littile my body covered in pain

-with fury and the team-

They watched In both amazement and confusion trying to understand the relation many wondered about the female spiders beautiful eyes one of them more intrigued by the beautiful girl than the others a particular kunlun monk he kept his hard gaze on the female spider taking in her every feature and movement feeling almost entranced the others had gained a little respect for the spidette the spidey not so much

The monk said "I finished this in under 20 seconds it's impressive the girl was more victorious"he watched her closely the one next to him said that he finished his in 18 seconds the girl in White said "there is no discipline in his fighting technique yet the girl has the idea she's not bad...are we sure they are related and what up with her eyes they are so piercing like they look dead into your soul"she ponders out loud "fury says they are good for the team"she shrugs it off a boy enters with a bucket on his head he said in disapprovement "why is fury testing new candidates I didn't approve of this"the girl says in a sarcastic tone "look who thinks his still in cute"

Bucket head says in frustration"if he thinks I'm gonna lead that lamo Into battle..."the big guy stepped up to him saying"in your dreams your the leader"the monk thinking mostly about the female says to them in a calm and cool manner"they maybe rough around the edges but not with out potential"his thoughts kept drifting to the female...

They had made a little bet on spideys survival test

-iron fist p.o.v-

I found myself entranced by the rich beauty that is known as spider-woman she was like a saductruss her porcelain skin hour glass figure luscious pink soft lips her long brown hair reaching her thighs

Her skin looked so soft and touchable her lips so kissable I wish I could allow my own to linger on them they look so sweet and soft like a ripe strawberry I don't know what I am saying or what this vixen has done to me I am a monk I have vows and teaching but her eyes they are so magnificent yet they seem to scream danger she was rather short but I felt like that made her more what's the word they use

Cuddly I believe her fighting was well done thought out carefully yet her brother is doing poorly I want to know her name I must know her name...

-pierces p.o.v-

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