venom (episode 4)

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(yes finally sorry i kept you waiting for so long i had been waiting for inspiration as i came down with a sever case of writers block so a special shout out to jeffthekillerswife who helped me gain some new inspiration curing my case of writers block thank you very much for your help so i would like to give her some credit for this chapter)

-peirces p.o.v-

spidey and i are curently running for our lives from another killer robot i swear it's like robot just hate us or something and i'm not just over reacting and you know it by the way what ever you do don't try this at home kids we currently have killer robots hot on our tail i kept looking over our back only to reliase their going to eventually catch up with us

'lets pick up the speed  huh bro"he nodded"you got it spiddette"we took it up and onto the walls to try and ecsape our demise i held on tighter to my brother as he quickly picked the speed up reving up the spidey cycles engine i sent a peace sign the crowds way and said "hey kids dont try this at home" i watched as they cheered spidey shouted at the crowd "GET DOWN" thankfully the robots were to adiment on killing us that they ignored the crowd

they used their tenticals in order to hurt my brother and i, i managed to kick a few down before they could touch us thanks to our spidey senses we dodge a fair amount of the attacks spidey turned on the four wheeler mode but one of its bloody cheap shots caught us off guard throwing us off the cycle

i turned to my brother"what is it with robot and trying to kill us has it become a sport or something"we both imagined all the super villians sitting infont of a H.D tv rooting the robots as they attempted to kill us bidding on it...i shrivelled at the thought 

my brother spoke up"c'mon we don't want any one getting hurt!!"i stood up agreeing i turned around still holding on to spidey before i knew it a tenticale grabbed my chest what kind of...i quickly used my hands to cover my chest "why do i have to be so busty"spidey spoke up paniced"what happened"i shook my head"you don't want to know bro"

i heard furys voice pop up out of no where "spider-twins are you playing with that thing or fighting it?"he asked "uh..."we stated dumbly"you got weapons use them"he said in a damanding voice"yeah electro webs-"spidey started"not very safe"i finnished"and their weapons"fury shot back

i replied "good point i'll make a note of that" a bot decided to grab spideys arse he exclaimed "ouch hey very innapropriate" kicking him off with enough said spidey and i aimed and fired at the perverted robot right now i don't know about you but i prefer the doom bots but before we could react both robots had us pinned down in a nano second neither of us could currently move no matter

how much we struggled and to top it off we could hear a train heading our way oh joy...we both poked our heads up and said "this will be pain"we webbed the electric wires and fired up the electro bolt the volts were enough to shock and shut shut the robots down im not going to suger coat it that hurt like hell and it still does after managing to push the robot off of us

we swiftly jumped on the ceiling managing to avoid getting crushed by the on coming train which luckily for us destroyed the bloody peverted robots we high fived spider twins one perverted robots zero we jumped down landing safely on our feet gracefully like a cat and spidey spoke up "hows that for ultimate!!!"

i continued to cover my chest "what is it"i once again replied with "you don't want to know" the crowed begun to burst into luaghter spidey turned around and asked"hey whats so funny"only to reliase that his pants were rippied...

and with that we were gone quiker than a nano second...

47 minutes later...

"well that was a rather unpleasent experience don't ya think"i stated landing gracefully on the roof without even a stumble "agreed but the worst has yet to!!!"spidey claimed grabbing his bag and i followed after changing i slipped on my glasses tied my hair back and i wore my normal attire"we best get a move on before we get locked out"i stated cooly

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