Chapter 2 - The Set Up

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"Come on little one, can I get a little smile? How bout a game of peak a boo?" I say as cover my eyes, "Where is baby? Where is Andi? Oh there she is."

Smash cake shoots are not as cute or as fun as the photos make you believe, especially when the soon to be 1 year old is scared of touching the icing and getting dirty. No matter how many games of peak a boo or trying to play with her, she won't stop crying. But I do think I timed a great shot her mom will appreciate. I stand back up just as her mom swoops in and picks her up, shushing her trying to console her. I smile as she gathers Andi's stuff.

"I'll email you in 2 days with the digital proofs

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"I'll email you in 2 days with the digital proofs. If you would like any physical prints, let me know and I'll get them to you by the end of the week. And as for you little Miss Andi have a happy 1st birthday next week." Andi has finally stopped crying and waves bye-bye as they walk out of the studio. I go to clean up the mess and pack away what decorations can be saved to be used for the next shoot.

Organizing my ever growing props and supplies closet or should I say room, I can hear the front door chime as it is open. "REN!" Kyle yells from the front.

"In the back, prop closet."

A few moments later Kyle rush in, placing his hand on my back and reaches up to helps me place the last box on the top shelf before I fall off the step ladder as I have done before. Kyle and Olivia have been great help since I opened my photography studio 3 years ago after I left Liam. It was a dream that gave me purpose after everything so now I work for myself and have my own studio.

"I'm getting you an actual ladder. You can't stand on your tiptoes on step ladder. Remember our safety talk?" Kyle scolds me, as I step down.

"I don't need a new ladder. I can manage. You're just a worry wart."

"Says the girl who fell 2 feet off the ground and had to get 8 stitches last time?"

"That was the old wooden step ladder, I got this new sturdier metal one with a handle. It's better than when I used to climb the shelves like a spider monkey up the shelfs doesn't work."

"That was heartache inducing. But just remember if you get hurt, Liv will kill me for not protecting you, and there will be no happily ever after for me. So we can't have Liv kill me before the wedding."

"Whatever. If you want to get me a new ladder, then fine. But I really don't need it, I've managed."

"Good, I'll have you a new 4 foot ladder here by tomorrow. You being safe is important to us." He smirks as we wall back out into the front of the studio.

"Ok. So why are you here? I know threatening to buy me a new ladder isn't the reason."

Kyle looks nervous as we sits down on the couch in the front waiting area. "I came to talk to you about your future dates. I have 2 guys who I think you might be interested in and are definitely interested in you. They are completely different from Liam and Cameron and well most of the other guys you've attempted to date before."

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