Chapter 12

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"BOO" I jumped holding a hand to my chest, I turned around and was faced with a smirk and gorgeous eyes.

Harry tried scaring me, but I cant lie and say it didn't work either.
Harry was chuckling at the expression that I seemed to hold on my face.

"You were so scared, Fay!" He copies the facial expression that I just had on, laughing while doing so. I shake my head, trying not to laugh but I fail and crack a smile anyway.

"I was not!" I yell while smaking his arm playfully. Oh my god, was I flirting..of course not.

"Ill just remind you about the time that a coconut fell and you got sooo scar-" I was cut off by his slapping over my mouth to keep me quite.

"Don't you dare." He warned, but with a playful smile still adorning his features. I put my arms up in defense and started gigling up a muffled sound. He then took his hand off of my mouth. He was being really playful today, and that immediately brings a smile to my face.

Hary and I look around the small cramped tree house. Unfortunately there was nobody here, but as I examined the room, I came across writing on the wood.

"Beware." I whispered to myself.

"Harry, get over here." He came over and read it with a confused expression. His forhead creased in the middle.

"What could that mean?" I asked him in complete wonder.

"I don't know, but it's creepy as hell."


Harry and I were currently laying down in the little house. Harry said that it was officially our property after he carved our names inside. It was a cute gesture to call it 'ours', and a blush rose to my already pink cheeks. I had to get used to these little comments, but Harrys perfectness (is that even a word?) makes me feel like nothing compared to him. Harry and I haven't kissed since that moment a couple days back, put his kiss still managed to linger on my lips. I just wanted to feel them against my own again. I barely felt anything exciting lately, so that is a plus. He's made such a impact on my life. I realized that over the summer I wanted to try something new or maybe have a summer love. Truth is that, being stranded on an island in the Atlantic ocean is a new thing for me. I also know that Harry is my summer love.

Stranded (Harry Styles Fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin