Chapter 3

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I suddenly awoke by the plane thrashing to the side. My eyes were open wide as I searched around frantically, looking for what was going on. I was on the verge of having a panic attack. Harry was doing the same as me. He looked so scared. I wanted to hug him, for the sake of my fear and his.

People around the plane were screaming and my stomach was doing flips. I knew that this was no normal flight, and something was happening. Just then me and Harry connected eyes, both of our eyes showing fear and concern.

"What's going on?!" I asked, panicked.

" I- I dont know." He stuttered.

My heart was pounding rapidly, and although I heard all the screaming and crying...

.......Everything was a blur..........

"Please put the masks on! Try to stay calm but alert from your surroundi-" was all I heard before I saw black.


I felt big hands wrap around my waist. I was being pulled up, then I realized my lack of oxygen. I opened my eyes but shut them quickly due to the burning sensation of salt water. I tried moving my feet around kicking up, it was insanely hard when I had no air in me. I felt the hair on the top of my head reach air. Soon, my head was up and out of the water. I gaspd for air. Thrashing around trying to keep my head above the water.

... I was alive...

My eyes quickly took in the sight In front of me, a boy with long wet hair falling on his face, green eyes staring at me with concern.

It was Harry.

He quickly wrapped his arms around me, hugging me, and I can feel how fast his heart was pounding. He was shaking. He held me for what seemed like an eternity, while I cried. I just realized what happened.. were stranded somewhere in the middle of the atlantic ocean, because our plane sunk, I was never getting to england. I wont know if ill survive, my mom will believe im dead. And I will never forgive myself for leaving my mom with this fear. On top of that, im with Harry. The most gorgeous boy I have ever met.

Authors note- I know this was a short chapter but I will upload more frequently to make up for it. I work hard on the plot for this story, so if you like it please show me by writting comments and letting me know. If there are any suggestions for the story please let me know, I need all the help I can get! Thankyou for reading!! -chiara

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