new start

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izuku yagi over the years he has had to do everything by himself from cooking, training, to patching his wounds from izumi, katsumi, katsuki, shoto, shoko attacks, he had to do it all himself, izuku is 13 and has been continuing to train where he can and practising husing his analysis skills, he had found out that his parents were the pro heroes all might and green psychic which angered him but also found out that other parts of his family were heroes too (gran torino, recovery girl, eraserhead, miss joke, present mic, midnight and endevor), izuku had woken up from the beating his ex sister and friends


izuku finished his day of school he has no friend either because people are too scared to get close to him or hated him for being quirkless to the point even the teachers allowed him to get hurt and docked his test scored, he was going to leave the school before he feels like something bad is coming before he hears a voice

izumi: OI DEKU

izuku looked behind him to see izumi, katsuki, katsumi, shoto and shoko with the first 3 holding cocky grins while the last 2 glaired at him

izumi: come on deku we need to train you don't mind do you~

they took izuku behind the school and broceeded to beat him using there quirks and beating on izuku burning, freezing, explodingm throwng him and cutting his skin with telekinesis around to the point he passed out from the pain, waking up  a few hours latter to see the sun down and starts to make his way "home"

flashback end

izuku walking home thinking about how his parents will most likely shout at him for being late and ignore his pain, he was pulled out of his throughts when he heard a scream from a nearby allyway, he decides to run to the sound and sees a women being attacked by someone with a horn coming out of his chest

horn demon: be quiet and just die

the demon way facing away from izuku, the women was scared and a little scratched up so izuku decides to help

izuku: HEY

the demon looked back to see izuku he seems to sniff the air and smile

horn: mm you already smell of blood

izuku looked to the scared women

izuku: RUN NOW

the women looked like she wanted to  stay and help but in the end her fear took hold and she ran, the demon looked and saw she was gone

horn demon: damn shes gone well atleast i have you, you look like you got some meat on you and your bloody smell is making he hungry

izuku was confused and a bit scared when he talked about being hungry, at first when he was talking about his blood he throught he may just be a fighting finatic but then started thinking he was a cannibal or maybe a cannabalistic quirk, he brushed those throughts out of his head as the demon rushed toward him with with izuku bearly dodging, the demon smiles as the horn on it's chest shots out with a fleshy rope conecting it to his chest and stabs into his waist luckily not foing too far in but still hurting

izuku: AHH!

izuku felt alot of pain but didn't want to just keel over and die he grabbed the fleshy rope and run to the demon using whatever strength he has and the rope to choke the demon to which he tries to grab izuku

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2022 ⏰

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