Chapter 1

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Kirishima's POV

"The funeral for Pro Hero Uravity took place yesterday evening. A large group of other pro heroes, civilians, and family all came to say their final goodbyes. Earlier reports say that she died in a villain attack only a week ago against a now infamous villain organization. One where Pro Hero Deku, and fiance to Uravity, had been hunting down for several months now and was even out of town searching for information on the day of the attack. The real question is, how is Pro hero Deku taking her death? Some say nothing has changed and he continues to work full time, ridding Japan of villains-" I turned the tv off and sighed, setting the remote down and leaning back on the couch.

I can't believe she's gone. 

Uraraka, a friend of mine. Someone I trained with and spent a lot of time with during high school while training to be heroes. She was one of the sweetest girls in class and she cared about everyone. She was also the first person to get Midoriya to come out of his shell.

He was so shy back then and constantly on edge, but Uraraka had managed to crack him and eventually we all got to see so much more of the caring, mumbling, little green haired boy.

I can't even imagine how Midoriya is feeling right now. Those two have been closer than anyone I have ever known and so it was no surprise when they started dating, let alone eventually got engaged. To lose the one you love, I don't even want to imagine how that would feel. I could never comprehend how my life would continue without those that I love and the death of Uraraka has left me in shock.

She was my friend and someone that I also cared about. I hate the people who did this to her and they will pay thoroughly. They ruined a perfectly happy relationship, two amazingly beautiful people.

Kat and I were both invited to the wedding and I was really excited to go and support the both of them. We all have been through so much together and I wanted to be there for that special, happy day. That damn villain group just had to go and ruin everything. No one even knows what they are after, so why kill Uraraka? Was that part of their plan, or was there something else? Did she just get in the way?

I'm not entirely sure, but I doubt Midoriya is going to let questions like these go unanswered.

The front door opened and in strolled my tired looking boyfriend. I got up and hugged him at the door, happy to know he's home safe. He wrapped his arms around me and placed his head in the crook of my neck. 

After everything that has happened, I have been feeling a lot more anxious and unnerved than before. It's a relief to watch Kat come in through the doors at the end of his shift, at least when we're not working together.

He's the number two hero and so sometimes he is given tasks to complete on his own, and with the incident with Uraraka, they've been keeping him on his toes. 

"Hey." I whispered, pulling back so he could take off his shoes and coat.

"Hey, sorry I'm late. Work is still a rather mess."

"Yeah, I know what you mean." I told him honestly. I was lucky to get out of work on time. I worked a double shift last night and didn't get home until about five in the morning, only to turn around and be back at work at nine.

Katsuki walked into the kitchen and began pulling out pots and pans. "Have you eaten dinner yet?" He asked. His exterior was rather calm, something I know I'll only ever see when he is either extremely exhausted or touch starved, which, believe it or not, happens a lot more frequently then one would think.

Not that I mind. I love that side of him. I love his angry, never backs down side as well, but there is just something different about his calm one.

If you asked me, I'd tell you right away how much I truly am in love with him. I don't know who I would be without him, or if I would even want a life without him in it. 

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