Chapter 11

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Midoriya's POV

Major events that happened when we were in school, huh? What major events? Everything major that happened back then dealt with the League of Villains, but they have been taken care of. So what other dramatic thing happened back then? Bank robbers, prison break outs, drug distribution. What else is there? Is there something I am missing or was not made public knowledge?

I kept looking at old articles and newspapers trying to get a hint about what that villain had meant, but all I keep finding are mundane stuff or events that were caused by the League. There is no connection to this strange man leading the Black Lotus. Then again, I don't even know his name or what he looks like. I doubt I'll find anything relevant until I know more details about him.

I suppose I just had false hope. Maybe I would strike lucky and I could figure out who this guy is, but there's so little information and these articles are not helping. 

If only there was someone I could ask about some of the things that happened back then. All Might's gone, I can't go to him. Endeavor is out of the question. 

What about Aizawa? Surely he might know something, even if it's a small lead.

I pulled my phone out and dialed my old teacher's number. He allowed us to keep it in case we ever needed anything.

"What is it, problem child?"

"Aizawa! I had a question, but it's kind of vague."

I could hear Aizawa sigh over the phone. "Ask."

"Do you remember any really big battles with villains that weren't part of the league while we were in school?"

"You're asking something a little too vague."

I knew this, but this is also all I had to go on. "What about something bad that happened and the villain got away and was never caught?"

The phone line went silent.

I waited a few moments, hoping he had realized something.

"There was one, but I only know what happened at the end of it. Nothing else on the case was ever reported, something about needing high level clearance to gain that information. Midoriya, what is this for?" he asked.

I thought for a moment before responding. "I ran into a villain the other day that knows the leader of the Black Lotus, he said something about a big event happening when we were still in school. It got pushed under the rug and no one knows anything about it." I didn't want Aizawa becoming more suspicious. What the man had said to me was incredibly strange and worrisome. Aizawa might try to get further involved or he would report this to other people. I've got too much of a lead to let that happen.

If this villain from the Black Lotus wants to speak to me, then let him. That's the only way I can bring him down.

"Alright. You better not be keeping anything, problem child," he pointed. I fidgeted with my hands, glad he wasn't in the room with me. 

"Here's what I know. During your senior year in the middle of final exams, there was an incident that took place near one of the old abandoned nuclear facilities. There had been reports of people entering and exiting the place even though no one should have access to it. There were only a few heroes that responded to the call and I only got called in towards the tail end of it when the situation turned dire. Several people had lost their lives, though they were all villains and only a couple of civilians. I don't know what they were doing there, that was also kept wrapped up.

When I got there, there were a few heroes that were still rounding up some of the loose villains. I joined and managed to catch a few, but there was one man in a mask that had managed to get passed us. He ended up entering a busy section of town and we lost him. It's possible he had some sort of teleportation quirk, but we are unsure. Worst of all, when I had returned to help hand in the ones we did catch, they all died. They carried a poison with them and when they realized that escaping was inevitable, they all took their own lives."

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