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Thank you for 100+ views and all those votes. Here's the second chapter.
Chapter two: Yellowstone Scepter

Panther Port, Yellowstone Kingdom

"So, that's the plan," Shikamaru finished. The boys had gathered up on deck and were discussing their plan for how they were going to steal the scepter.

"Suigetsu has already left, and should have met up with Kakuzu right now. By the time we arrive at the museum, he should be there with the security detail Sai had given to Kakuzu." Sasuke spoke, looking towards the sun that was starting to set.

"We should get moving. It'll be dark soon." Neji said as if reading the Uchiha's thoughts.

They all stood up and grabbed the small bag they were going to store the scepter in. They had decided that if too big, then Naruto would seal the scepter in one of the scrolls he had.

"I've got the prissy princess." Kiba's voice was heard as he came upon deck, with Tamaki behind them.

The brunet was wearing black sweatpants and a long black sleeved t-shirt, like all of the boys were. Tamaki, on the other hand, just wore white tights and a dark blue t-shirt.

Her usual straight hair was in a messy bun, and her eyes had black bags under them due to lack of sleep. The princess kept on having nightmares about her kingdom being destroyed just like the Sapphire had been.

"Shut up. I'm a princess, you have no right to insult me," she said in a tired voice.

Honestly, the girl didn't feel like she had the right to be called a princess anymore. If she was the princess she was supposed to be able to save her kingdom and her people, especially in the absence of her grandmother. Tamaki had already concluded that her grandmother won't make it in time to save the Scepter.

They had arrived on the carriage when they came to the Sapphire for goodness sake. Even though the Sapphire and Yellowstone were practically next to each other, the distance between their palaces was at least two days and nights. Her grandmother would never make it, unless she took the shortcut, which was very dangerous especially for someone, around her grandmother's age.

"Excuse me for my rudeness, your great highness." Kiba mocked snickering, along with Naruto.

"Enough of your stupid jokes. Let's go." Neji lectured rolling his eyes.

"I still can't believe he is our captain." Sasuke murmured as they all started to leave one by one.

Kiba was the last one to leave and when him and Tamaki got off, she realized that she had to ride on his back of all people.

"No way." she refused seeing that he had bent down so she could climb on.

"Come on princess. It's not like I'm going to drop you or something." Kiba said. He had taken a liking to her because she was the only one he could constantly tease and taunt.

"You look like you want to. I'm not putting my safety in your hands." She said straightening up. She was still chained up of course.

"Kiba, hurry up." Shino's voice could be heard through the earpiece he had on. The brown-haired teen looked at the girl in front of him who was complaining and picked her up bridal style with the speed of a ninja. "Hey, put me down!" Tamaki protested. "No can do. I've got a mission, I need to complete." And with that, the two were on their way, with one refusing of course.


"We're chained to beds." Temari deadpanned.

"And Tamaki's gone. Just what time is it?" Ino asks looking around the room, they were currently in.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2021 ⏰

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