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I woke up with a crowd of people surrounding me. One of them was a woman being pestered with questions.

I was still in the parking lot.

"I... I was just asking out to my car then I saw him and called 911. That's IT."

"Look! He woke up!"

Boy, this was embarrassing. I couldn't believe I passed out from being carsick. I tried to get up but I couldn't.

An ambulance arrived and carried a stretcher over to me.

I tried to tell them I was okay but I was too weak.

Please, I thought, don't put me in another car! I just need my rest.

But it was too late. I was hauled onto the stretcher and being carried to the ambulance.

"Stop," I whispered. Nobody heard me. They put me in the truck and a nurse was checking me out.

"I'm carsick," I managed weakly.

The nurse said, "WAIT! Don't leave." She had a thick Boston accent. "You just have a bug and overreacted to it. You're carsick?" I nodded toward the U-Haul truck. "OH!" She said, "where are you moving from?"

"Wyoming," I said more strongly. I got up and walked around.

I ignored everyone after that and took a walk and cracked my back. I got some bottled water and chugged it all. I was ready, and I was cold. It was slightly snowy in Boston.

I went into the truck and took a deep breath.

15 more minutes. 15 more minutes.

That fifteen minutes seemed like two hours. I finally pulled up to the "cute" blue house.

It was even more beautiful up close. The bright navy blue was outstanding and the freshly painted white trim brought it all together. The concrete on the driveway was so clean it looked almost white. Red bricks made a sidewalk that led to the tiny oak wood front porch. In front of the porch were some rosebushes and yellow Japanese lilies. (I found out what they were called later, as I only enjoyed plants, but couldn't keep up with them.) The grass was so green and the chimney was made of the same brick as the sidewalk. It was the prettiest house I ever saw.

Then I made a mistake. I FaceTimed Addy.

She was having a good hair day, she said. Her dirty -blond hair was crimped up in curls and she had fresh makeup and her blue eyes shone.

Why did she always look good on FaceTime I wonder?

She was about to squeal about me FaceTiming her then she got a horrified expression on her face.

"Riley! You look... green! Oh, my gosh your hair!"

"Addy!" I complained, "I just wanted to show you my house!" I flipped the camera and Addy gasped.

"It's... its... gorgeous! JAMES!!!! I'm sorry I have to let you go. I'll call you back."

And just like that she hung up.

Right when she did I started tearing up. I wish my family were here right now, I thought.

I took a deep breath.

When I entered the house I was greeted with cream color paint and acacia hardwood floor.
I explored the house and immediately picked my bedroom. It was on the main floor and it had a sweet view of the red maple trees in the backyard.

I sighed.

I walked out to the small moving truck and heaved it open.

"Hello there!" Called a voice. "Need some help?"

I thanked him and accepted.

His name was Samuel Jammons. He lived next door from me and had a "German Shepherd and a girlfriend."

He helped me haul my mattress and bed frame into my bedroom.

"What are you doing with three bedrooms?" Asked Sam.

"Uhh... I guess..." I stammered, "I guess in case my family comes."

Sam smiled at me.

I recognized that smile.

Addy had that same smile when I left.

I was about to ask him and then he rushed out the door and tried to lift my couch.

Before the end of the day, I had all my furniture in my house (plus boxes) and an energetic new friend.

"Hey Sam," I asked, "do you want to stay for dinner?"

"I don't want to take your food!" Said he, "you don't have much, I know. You just moved here. You should come to Cafe Sushi on me." He smiled.

"Cafe Sushi?" I asked.

Sam laughed. "Welcome to Boston!" He said.

The local restaurant was beautiful and the food was great.

"What's Wyoming like?" Asked Sam.

"It's sure different." I said, "one day it would snow the other the pool would open. Once when I was in third grade I had my friends over for a camp out sleepover, and we were ROASTING that night. The next day we built a snowman."

Sam's mouth dropped. "That's insane!" He said. "Where are you going to work?"

"The hospital just two blocks away."

Sam got excited, "that's why I moved to my house! I work there too!"

I had a bright smile light up on my face. "Oh, my gosh." I said. The provision already! A great friend!

On my way home a stopped at Walmart and picked up some instant lunch and ground beef.

I got home and went to bed. I was exhausted.

My online interview when I was in Wyoming had gone great... I was thinking, then I had a dream flashback...

"Mom!" I yelled,"they offered me a job!"

"Oh, my!!" My mom squealed. "You need to buy a house now."

"I GOT IT!" Addy yelled. She basically threw out her phone and started looking things up. "JAMES! DO NOT THROW MOMMY'S SHOE OUT THE WINDOW! AHH!! MY SHOE! JAMES!"

"When do you start work?" Asked Callan.

"December 1st!"

Addy came over to me. (Dream changes) She turned into someone else. A beautiful girl. "I found a house... I found a house... I found a house... BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP!"

"ADDY!" I cried.

It was my alarm. I turned it off and sighed. I walked over to the calendar.

I started work tomorrow.

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