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I yawned and put on my jacket and tie.

I walked to the bathroom and combed some gel through my hair.

Today I'm starting work! I'm kinda nervous... would I love it? I had soon to find out.

I ducked into my blue pickup. (There was enough room for it in the U-Haul truck.) it was not walking weather, that's for sure. Maybe in the spring...

I pulled into the parking lot and scooted out of my car.

It was extremely cold and I ducked into my warm fuzzy coat. I breathed down my front to keep warm.

The parking garage was huge, and I felt so alone in such a massive empty place. I longed for my family.

Step. Step. Step. I clumped over to the elevator.

The guy I had talked to told me to report to the office number 4 on the first floor. I shivered as I pressed the "1" button.

The elevator moved slowly up. It felt as if I was moving away from my comfort zone.

The elevator door slid open and I walked to a desk where a short lady with a dark bun and rectangular glasses hardly glanced up. She said,

"Dr. Champton, I presume?"

Umm that was weird.

"Yes, I'm supposed to be in office four."

"Down the hall there's a lobby. Turn left into another hall and it's the second door on your right."

"Err... thank you." I followed her directions.

In the lobby there were two women sitting on the couch.

One of them was blond with rosy cheeks and a beautiful smile.

The other was a plump lady who had glasses and a bunch of makeup.

The other lady wasn't wearing any makeup.

"So Renlie," said the plump lady, "my dog, Molly, is so deprived. She only gets ten treats a day and a very small 10" bowl. Would you be willing to donate some steak? She would love that."

I almost snorted at this dumb request. I wanted to hear more so I grabbed a newspaper, leaned against the wall, and pretended to read.

"Why, of course, Mrs. Dennis!" The blond lady, Renlie, said.

I looked up from my newspaper, shocked. I expected to see Renlie unhappy about it but she had a huge smile on her face. My jaw dropped.

"I was saving one for my sister," said Renlie, "but I can buy another one. Molly is so sweet, you know."

I couldn't believe this.

Mrs. Dennis smirked. "You're a dear, Renlie. I'll come by tomorrow and pick it up."

"Goodbye, Mrs Dennis!" I assumed she was the secretary.

It was me and Renlie alone in the lobby.

I was so shy. I couldn't say anything. Why was I shy to this Boston girl?

Then I remembered my job. I slipped, hopefully unnoticed, into the hall and opened the door to room four.

A beefcake was sitting behind the desk.

"Hi! You must be Riley Champton!" He said, standing up. "I'm JoJo Siwa. Nice to meet you." I shook hands with him. I knew who he reminded me of.

"Dad," said a voice behind me. It was Sam. "Oh, hey, Riley! What's up?"

"The celling." I said and we shook hands.

"This is my dad and your boss, Preston Jammons."

"It's nice to meet you," I said and shook his hand.

"Pleased to have you here." Said Mr. Jammons. We'll get to work right away. I'll show you your office"

He led me down the hall and Sam followed.

"Hey, Sam," I whispered, "I'm wondering about someone who works here..."

"Who?" Asked Sam.

"The smiley blond girl who..."

But Sam knew who I was talking about.

"That's Renlie Perrin." He said, "She's a cardiologist. She's so selfless that she wants to make everyone happy and, even though she doesn't like her job, she does it, treating heart attacks. She's always scared out of her wits but she cares for people. She just wants everyone to be happy."

"Oh," I said. "I heard her promise to give a steak to a dog."

Sam laughed.

"This is your office, Riley," said Mr. Jammons. "Here you will take calls from the guys at 911 and see all the things you need to see on her computer. There's a bed in the corner... just in case you work late or you need to take a nap." Mr. Jammons winked.

I smiled.

"I need someone to give you a tour. Sam, are you available?"

"Nope. I gotta look at some X-rays." Sam said, but he sounded a little suspicious.

"I am very busy also..." said Dr. Jammons. "Hey, Renlie!"

I blushed. I didn't know why though...

Stop it Riley! Stop it!

"Yes, Dr. Jammons?" Renlie Perrin said behind me.

"Could you give Mr. Champton a tour around?... he's an orthopedic surgeon."

"Of course! Come on, Mr. Champton!" Renlie smiled bigger, (if that was possible) and beckoned me to follow her. Boy, her smile was very beautiful.

"So, are you new to the area?" Asked Miss Perrin... at least I thought it was Miss Perrin... it could have been Mrs. Perrin.

"I'm... I'm from Wyoming..."

"Where at?"

"Casper." I replied.

"That's a beautiful area. I drive through there to visit my relatives in California." Said Renlie, "this is the lobby. You go here with your laptop and fill out paperwork or whatever."

I nodded.

Renlie gave me a tour of the entire hospital. Then she emailed me a floor plan of it to study.

"Thanks for the tour... Miss..."

She laughed. "Renlie is fine. I'm Miss Perrin." She shook my hand. "I'll see you around Riley!"

I sighed.

I went into my office and explored. I found a banana peel under my chair.


Sam knocked on the open door. "Anyone home? Hey, Riley."

"Hey, Sam." I said. "Uhh... just a random question... where's Renlie Perrin from?"

"Why didn't you ask her?"

"Hey, I'm new here. I'm not exactly outgoing..."

"You were to me." Said Sam.

"No," I said, "you were to me."

"And so was she to you." Sam sighed. "She's the youngest of her family and she's from California. She's not married and lives five blocks away from us."

Don't stress those words please Sam.

When Sam left I resolved to myself that I would talk to Renlie Perrin.

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