𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐫𝐞 𝐔𝐧

77 5 16

Song recommend for this chapter: 'Willow' by Raury 


October 24th, 1994, Monday

I stirred in my bed as I squinted my tired eyes from sleep and began to see the wind beautifully swaying the purple curtains as the slightly blinding sun made its way through the slits. Sitting up and rubbing my eyes, I groaned from my soreness that must have been coming from my neck.

I must have slept the wrong way, again.

I pulled my duvet down to where it was removed from my body and threw my weak legs over my bed. Rubbing my hands over my face again I finally was able to see clearly the words and numbers that appeared on my alarm clock not far from my bed on my nightstand.

A this time, it was half six and today was a Monday which I had forgotten. I had slept straight through the past week and weekend, I had no clue I'd have school this morning.

It was challenging for Felicity to receive sleep the previous week, for some unknown reason she was wide awake almost every night. But today she awoke early, unknowing until she checked.

I stood up and stretched what I was capable of doing due to my soreness. Looking around I saw my window open as cool air blew in and onto my skin causing goosebumps to arise like the morning sun did. All was quiet until I heard feathers flapping in the distance as it grew louder the closer it got. I turned my head to see Aveline landing right onto the seal below the exposed glass window. Aveline was my owl, a tawny owl to be specific.

She always looked rather odd than most birds and I always thought we were alike in that way, looking odd that is, which I simply adored. She was a silly and playful owl but also thoughtful if I may add. Flowers we're a part of her daily routine which she'd bring for me.

I never knew how she ever got them but it was such a small thing that made a big difference in my life even if Aveline never knew it. She'd always stay as I opened the letters and such things she would deliver to me. Although I never received many letters or packages, Aveline was always pleasant company for a while to me.

As she sat on the ledge I saw the flowers she brought for me and smiled as I set the fresh daisies apart from the letter and the small brown bag she carried along with her as well.

Taking the rather thin letter in my soft hands I read the information along the front which read Beauxbatons Academy of Magic with the name Felicity below the handwriting. I carefully peeled off the wax seal and pulled out the small note that lay inside. Reading it, as it said 'For you' I recognized the handwriting instantly. Zachary. With the brown bag attached I knew immediately what it would be from him. Setting the 'letter' to the side I picked up the normal-sized brown bag and heard a jingle as she began to open it. Finally as I looked inside, there at the bottom of the bag lay about 58 or 60 galleons.

I guess this was Zachary's type of birthday gift. I expected this, even though an extremely small part of me was hoping for a proper letter or an invite to perhaps a day we could maybe talk. That was just an unrealistic fantasy though. I knew that I couldn't get my hopes up when it came to him.

All my life I wondered why he never gave me a chance, I mean he was still my adoptive father whether he accepted it or not and all I could ever want is to have a healthy bond with him like a parent should have with their child. Sometimes I thought maybe he blamed me for my mother's death. I know that's a crazy accusation but the dislikement he has had for me seems to trace back to her, when she passed. It's when it started. He was always a troubled man but he got worse when Edith died.

I decided to treat him the same way he did to me, although I couldn't help but feel bad for him and suddenly become vulnerable when he'd convince me that it was his own way of grieving. I didn't wanna believe it but why did I have to suffer because of it?

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