Chapter 2

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~Killua's Pov~

We are driving to what I think is Gon's house,Leorio keeps asking me questions but I don't answer them because I cant think right now. I ask Gon if I can sleep but he answers with " No, you need to stay awake when we get home you can." I feel eyes start to flutter shut and I drift off to sleep.

~Gon's Pov~

"Leorio! Killua just fell asleep!" I start panicking then Leorio tells me to wake him up. I tell Killua to wake up but he won't. Then and idea hits me, I kiss him. He wakes up amediantley  and then he starts blushing. "Killua i-i have feelings for y-you" he looks shocked. Oh no did I ruin our friendship and before I know it...  i'm crying. He started  panicking  and tells me he has felling for me too.  After he tells me that my face brights up. We arrive home, and I pick Killua up and bring him inside. When I see Kurapika he's really worried he grabs Killua out of my arms and hug's Killua. But then I sense it a worried aura. I yell at Kurapika to let him go, but it was too late. Then I hear Killua crying while saying " Mom please i'm sorry I did nothing wrong I swear, don't hurt me." I look at him shocked he thinks Kurapika is his mom. Leorio runs up to him and injects him with medicine. He starts trying to get away from Kurapika because he thing he's his mom but Kurapika is holding on to him so he dosnt't hurt himself. I run up to him and give him a giant hug.

~Killua's Pov~

I see Kurapika now and not my mother, where did my mother go. I start breathing heavily and I start shaking I run/limp over to the corner and sit in it and start rocking back and forth. I hear my name being called but I don't look up I just keep rocking. Until I feel a sharp pain in my arm and then it goes blank.

~Gon's Pov~

Leorio injects him with something and he passes out, he made him go to sleep so he's not freaking out. Now I know, he was captured my his mom and was abused the whole time. I go up to him and pick him and bring him to my room. I lay him down on the bed and I turn off the light and go to sleep myself.

~Time skip to morning~

~still Gon's Pov~

I wake up and stretch I look over to my side and Killua is still asleep. I check his pulse phew he's still alive. I go eat breakfast and then Leorio walks in and he asks how Killua is doing " he's still sleeping." Killua walks in " Good morning Killua!" he says good morning back. Then he asks " What are we gonna do today." Leorio responded emediantley and I knew what he was gonna say " You need to rest killua you will get tired really easily." he then jumps on Leorio but he starts breathing heavy, and then he just glares at Leorio. "Killua stop..."

~Killua's Pov~

I got tired just from jumping so I just glare at Leorio and then I hear Gon "Killua stop." I look at him with tears falling down my face. There's a needle in my arm ( Author here- not illumis needle just a shot.) I fall over " Gon i-i'm sleepy" he runs over to me while i'm falling and then it goes dark.

Author here: sorry these are so short but I dont know how to end them so i just end them at where I think it should stop, thanks to you all for reading this byee~

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