5- Company

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It was a few days that Whim was in that cell alone before he got company.

"Son of a bitch!" he heard cursing from the stairs "He bites!" The doors slammed open to reveal several guards dragging a struggling form, basically throwing them into the cell across from Whim's before slamming the iron bars, locking them and exiting quickly in fear.

The figure, on the other hand, had scrambled up and back to their wall, seeming to not like the almost pitch dark situation they'd been thrown into.

"Hello?!" They called, distinctly a male's voice "The hell am I?"

"You're acting like a main character in a book I read once." Whim retorted, leaning against his back wall, his wings still bounded painfully as his tail was drawing shapes on the dirty floor "Which is worse than it sounds."

"That still doesn't answer where the hell I am!" The other shouted "Who the fuck are you even, anyway?!"

"Name's Whim." He said, a small amount catching his eyes as he leaned forward, the bright purple irises startling the other "And you're in the dungeons of this shit space."

The other groaned, hitting his fist on the wall "Fuck!" He shouted to the air, the sound echoing throughout the long dungeon corridors "This is shit!"

"Tell me about it." Whim replied neutrally, yawning quietly from staying up way too late "Who're you?"

"Name's Micheal McChill." the other replied grumpily "I've gotta get back out there, now."

"You don't wanna do that." Whim said, before thinking for a second "Or maybe you do, depending if gladiator fights still happen for entertainment around here."

The other male seemed to tense "Fights?!" he questioned frantically "Ah, shit."

"Yeah, to the death, with the promise that enough fights won and you'll go free." Whim said nonchalantly "Never's happened I don't think, it's been a while since I was here."

The other seemed to get a better look at Whim, parts of his long, wispy hair that fell out of it's ponytail falling in front of his face "You're the thug from Bright Spawn City, aren't you?" Micheal asked

Whim winced "Not a thug." He said "A nomad." He sighed "Just passing through and yet the Bandits seem to never give up."

The heavy iron door of the entrance to the dungeons screeched again, cursing and shouting accompanying the grunts of two separate groups of guards, the two cursing figures being carried getting drug by the first two cells and into the ones next to them, Whim was watching, amused despite the situation. The guards, once the other two were locked in the cells, made sure Whim's and Micheal's cells were also secure, nodding to themselves before leaving.

"FUCK THIS PLACE!" Shouted the one of the new people, Whim recognizing as Puffy

"Keep it down." Whim rubbed his ears, surprised to see so many people down here within the first five hours of new people being brought in.

"Tall guy?" Puffy questioned before looking to the cell next to her "Micheal?"

"Ponk!" Came the voice from next to Whim's cell

"Ponk?" Whim rose an eyebrow "The hell did you do?"

"Picked a fight with a guy, he was being an asshole and Puffy stepped in to help beat the dude up." Was Ponk's answer, the male seeming to be proud of himself and the sheep hybrid female who was also there.

"You were gonna get your ass kicked." Puffy said "And let's be honest, Sam would kick my ass if I had let that happen." She seemed to realize something "Wait a second, Micheal, what the fuck did you do?!"

"They found out I'm me." The other replied crossly "Worked here like three years back before I broke a bunch of people out." He sighed "Boss'll kill me when he inevitably sees me."

"He ain't 'Boss' anymore, dumbass." Whim said "If ya left he's gonna murder you. He's the executioner now."

"But you left and you're more important than Micheal, and you're still alive." Ponk pointed out

"I escaped, first of all." Whim said "That hardly counts as leaving." he thought for a second "Nah, he said I left, so guess I'm dying."

Ponk sighed, while Puffy and Micheal exchanged confused looks in the dark.

"How are you so calm about this?!" Puffy cried "You're crazy!"

"Nah, but I'm getting pissed because my wings are cramping." Whim frowned, trying to stretch them out but failing miserably.

"he's been though it before, essentially." Ponk explained to his friends "Whim was the first decent person I met when I first spawned in, six years ago."

"You've been around for six years?!" Puffy shouted to her friend"Jesus!"

"Whim's been around longer." Ponk replied "He-"

"-Would not like anymore information about him being spoken about while he's stuck in this damn compound." Whim interrupted "All you need to know is that I basically seduced the leader of this fucked up operation and escaped that way."

Puffy and Micheal gaped in disbelief. "Can you help us escape?!" Puffy asked

"Unfortunately not." Whim said "The guard who helped me out is dead, and most of the guards here either fear the boss or worship him."

Ponk scoffed "Bullshit." He said, frowning "She ain't dead, just got lost in the nether, from what you've told me."

"She's missing, I assume she's dead." Whim replied, waving his hand dismissively "Anyway, what was this about escape?"

"I would think you'd want to stay here to finish boss off." Micheal said with a raised eyebrow

"You're funny." Whim deadpanned "Now lets get on with this plan before the dumbasses get themselves killed."

~<^>~ TWO HOURS LATER ~<^>~

"We still need information from the outside." Puffy said "We need to tell the others so they know where to be."

"We're not getting out anytime soon." Whim said with a sigh, sweeping his tail in a wide arc around himself, having moved to sitting in the middle of his cell, hunched over slightly so he could rest his face on his fists "Someone has to get into as little trouble as possible, someone you three trust fully, they need to only be here for a few hours to a day so we can relay the plan for them to tell the others."

"For someone who doesn't like our group, you seem to be on board for breaking everyone out." Micheal said "Why?"

Whim rolled his eyes, "Lets just say that I despise everyone who agrees with this whole operation, and I'm up for some destruction." He said "Call it revenge for a long time ago."

Ponk nodded at Whim's claim "Yeah, I'm down for some revenge as well." he agreed "This operation's been going on for too long."

"So it's decided then?" Puffy said "Instead of doing the logical thing we go with the plan?"

"I mean, we spent time on it, might as well test it out." Whim said "It's pretty solid, given that everything works out in our favor."

"And if we fail?" Micheal asked, a hint of worry in his voice

"You fail, your dead." Whim said "There is no 'we' in the failing part." He looked around to the three "If you fail, you get left behind, got it?"

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