chapter 13

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Grace pov

"Grace wake your ass up now. You have school today." My mom was in my room yelling in my face.

"Mama get out of my damn face." Shit. Did I really just say that to my mom?

Before I knew it I was slapped in my face.

"Grace don't you dare say that to me."

I looked at my mom and seen anger in her eyes and I think I seen a flash of sadness in her eyes too.

"Mama im sorry. I didn't mean to cuss at you."

"It's ok baby just get up and get ready for school."

After my mom left I got in the shower and did my hygiene. I wasn't really in the mood to dress up so I just decided to wear some black sweats with a black tee that said "yes my hair is natural and no you cant touch it on it" in white letters. Then I put on my black converse. I left my hair long and curly then left.

*at school*

When I got to school I hurried up and went to my locker. I could hear people talking about how Trinitee beat me up.

I feel so awful. I lost my best friend and now I have no one. Im pretty sure I made my mom angry so she won't even talk to me. I just feel all alone.

After I got my books I hurried up to class. And of course when I got in class everyone started mugging me and whispering.

Huh. This is going to be a long day.

*after school*

School is finally over. Thank God. Everyone kept laughing and joking on me and all I could do was take it all in and act like I didn't hear them.

Instead of going back home I decided to go to the park and think about my life. When I got there it was empty. That's a good thing because I needed some time to myself.


"Daddy no. Please leave me alone. Im sorry I promise it wont happen again. Just leave me alone."

I was crying now. I was with my dad because it was his turn to have me since my parents was divorced and had split custody of me.

I forgot my dad didn't like for me to go outside. I went to the backyard just to get some fresh air.

Then the next thing I know he was pulling me inside by my hair.

"Grace what the hell were you doing outside?"

I was about to answer but was cut off by a punch in my face. I fell to the floor because the impact was so hard. I tried to crawl away but he grabbed me and hit me again in the face.

I wanted to fight back but I couldn't because im only 8 and im skinny.

All I could do was take the pain and pretend like it didn't hurt me. I feel so alone.

*end of flash back*

I couldn't stop crying. I feel alone now and I felt alone when I was a child. Its now dark so I went home.

When I got to my house I put on my pajamas which was only some gym shorts and a tank top. Then I went downstairs and made me some noodles.

After I was done eating I decided to text Trinitee.

*text convo*

Bossbitch~ hey trin.

Sexychic~ what the hell do you want Grace?

Bossbitch~  trin I just wanted to say sorry for what I did. I was just jealous that Trey was giving you attention and not me. Can we still be friends.

Sexychic~ grace what you did was wrong. And I don't know if we can friends. Ima have to think about it because tbh I don't really trust you and you sneaky as hell. So I don't know.

Bossbitch~ ok well I just wanted to tell you sorry. Bye.

Sexychic~ bye.

*end of text convo*

I done really messed up my friendship with Trinitee. I just hope we can still be friends.

After thinking about everything that happened in my life for a good 30 minutes I decided to go to sleep.

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