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Everyone else besides Yui were still sleeping soundly, they were enjoying themselves too much they fell asleep very late. The men were laying on the floor scattered around leaving her to sleep on the couch. Of course Yui insisted for her to sleep on the floor like everybody else, but Apollon convinced her it's ungentlemanly to let a woman sleep on the floor, which is weird since she slept on the ground just not too long ago.

Yui jumped when Takeru snored really loud, it was like a contest of who could snore the loudest during the night but at least she got to close her eyes. She stretched and heard her tummy rumble,"I wonder what they have in the cafeteria" she said in a low voice. Apollon, like always, wanted to be the only one next to her, he slept about half an inch away from the couch. If Yui was an active sleeper, she would've easily fall on top of the sun god. He wanted to sleep in his boxers only, but Takeru was the one to stop him, since he was going to sleep next to Yui he didn't want him trying any funny business.

She tiptoed off the couch to go get some breakfast for her and the gods. She tripped on something and fell over a sleeping bag,"Oof!". One of Loki's rubix cubes was on the floor,(I really need to confiscate his toys). The snores covered up her trip, no one woke up thankfully. As she was about to open the door, she hears someone yawning, "Good morning Kitten" Loki said with a big smile and tired eyes.

Yui(smiling)- "(So close) Good morning Loki, how did you sleep?"

Loki(glaring at Takeru) -"Takeru's pig snores didn't let me sleep"

Yui(giggling)- "Heehee, I'm sorry about that, well I will be right back"

Loki(shuffling out of his sleeping bag)-"Where ya going? Can I come?"

Yui-"Well umm, I was going to get breakfast for everyone but if you'd like you can come"

Loki-"Alright then!"

Lokis loud voice woke everyone else up, realizing his mistake he quickly got up and ran to Yui. Before she could say aything, Loki flung her over his shoulders and ran out the room,"Gaah!". He kept on running to the dinning hall until he was sure they were safe, "Loki, why did you do that?".

He stayed quiet trying to think for an answer and not sound like he wanted to be alone with her, "W-well because Kitten, they would want to come eat here instead of over there. It's more comfortable there". Yui believed him and agreed, they grabbed trays filled with yummy food; pancakes, waffles, french toast, cereal, croissants, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausages, and strawberries.

Loki complained that it was too much to carry, but Yui reminded him that they all eat three times more than their body weight and she didn't want anyone fighting over the food. Walking with the enormous trays of food back to the room, Loki noticed Yui was quiet.

Loki-"Hey Kitten?"

Yui-"Hmm, yes?"

Loki-"You won't leave right?"

Yui(stops)- "What do you mean Loki?"

Loki-"You know, ever since those weirdos came and freaked you out I just though that, well...you won't feel safe with us and leave". (Looks at her with puppy eyes)

Yui-"Oh Loki, of course I won't leave. I mean, what happened yesterday did scare me and made me question a lot of things but that doesn't mean I would want to leave"

Loki-"Are you sure?"

Yui-"Yes! You guys are the best thing that ever happened to me and I care for all of you. I would never want to leave your sides"

Loki(smiles)-"Thank you Kitten...can we hurry now? I'm hungry"

Yui nods and they keep walking to the lounge. When they arrive everyone was already up and picking up the mess they left. Yui and Loki almost got trampled when the others saw the trays of food. They all sat down and ate the delicious food laughing and talking (Loki kept taking Takeru's waffles).

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