1. Study, train, practice

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Victoria's POV

"Again" I groaned and try again. I don't see why I need to keep practicing because I already know how to use my power wisely.

For over twenty years that's all I do train, study, train it's so so so boring.

"Again" my grandma Elena says about a hundred thousand times today.

I sigh and easily use my mind to make an illusion of people. Yes, people literally. It's like a hologram that my mind can make. But when you stare at it, it looks like an actual person. Cool right.

It takes a lot of time to practice to make one illusion. So I'm practically an expert because I can make a whole dozen of people.

It's so hard at first, I always would faint, my nose would bleed and I would wake up to a massive headache.

But with twenty years of practice and grandma helping me I did It now easily.

It turns into a cloud of smoke when it's been touch by someone but I can make a more and more realistic person that can actually touch something but sadly I cannot make as many as I can In a smoke. Because it takes a lot more energy.

"Okay, you can rest for fifteen minutes then come back here to study some strategies and calculation," she said giving me a stern look.

I quickly nodded because you don't want to mess with my grandma and I know what will happen If I don't come back In time and let's just say It isn't funny.

My grandma is a very powerful and scary old woman but she is also a loving, caring, and sweet woman and I love her very much.

I quickly leave the big library and sprinted in full speed to the kitchen because I'm so hungry. One of the things about my grandma Is when we are in training nothing can Interrupt It.

I'm in the kitchen within a second. Pretty fast huh.

Well, It's not only power and study learning, because every night and early In the morning I will run miles and miles on our mansions border.

Yes. Mansion in the middle of the forest creepy if you asked me.

So after I run, the next Is combat training. No, not with grandma but with the big rocky man she made by her mind. Like the one, I was practicing earlier.

And of course, I practice my senses, visions, hearing, smell, reflexes. And over the years I keep getting better and better.


I'm currently sitting in the dining room with my grandma eating quietly.

It's been hours since I finished my studies in the library and I can't wait to go to bed.

Boring life I know, train, study, practice all of that stuff I do is only with my grandma. We are the only ones living in this big house in the middle of the forest. How lonely my life can be.

"Tory" grandma said loudly in the almost empty dining room. Tory is the nickname she gave me. She said Victoria is too long.

I look at her with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm leaving in two days because I will visit the temple of my sister."

Oh did I tell you that grandma has a sister? She's a very powerful goddess so that makes me and my grandma a goddess, but we are not.

We have power like them but we are not a god. Grandma never spoke of her name because no one will suppose to know who the goddess Is.
She often visits her temple though.

"For how long will you stay there?" I asked. I do not bother requesting for her to take me there cause there Is only one word she always would say and It's a no.

"I don't know" she shrugged her shoulder. I frown.

"What do you mean, you don't know," I asked still frowning.

She sighs and I feel dread wash over me.

"I've been having these dreams and visions that always the same. So I'm going to ask my sister about it. And let her explain what my dream and visions meaning." she says looking deep in thought. My frown only deepen.

"What kind of dream?" I asked slowly.

"There Is a war that Is going to happen soon," she says looking at me. Something In that look is telling me that there is something more to It.


She sighs and looked away from me. Okay, I'm seriously freaking out now!

"Grandma you're scaring me now," I said with a nervous chuckle.

"There's an upcoming war that gonna happen soon and you are going to be in the middle of it."

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