Chapter Twenty-Four

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Kozantei, Fourth Quarter, Andromeda Galaxy.


Mya was heavy, it was as if she had gained a thousand pounds. She tried to move her hands and felt like she was cutting through a great mass of water. Her eyes protested as she tried to open them. She grunted, forcing them open. She jerked back, there was purple stuff all around her. Um... What? She shook her head thinking she was still dreaming. Her brain moved sluggishly, she looked down and saw that she was floating in some kind of tank. Down below a movement caught her eye, tiny metal hands working at her thigh. As she looked down memories came flooding back and she looked on in shock, there was only a long scar bisecting it where before there had been a gaping wound. The tiny hands seemed to be brushing it now, a faint tickle running up her leg at its movements.

She swished her hand down and realized she was in a thick liquid. Her mouth was covered with a mask, and she sucked in a breath. Cool. She could breathe under water... or something like it. She started swishing her hands up and down and kicked her leg, liking the feel of the liquid around her, it slid over her skin.

"Having fun there?" a voice came through the tank. Mya stopped, embarrassed her theatrics had been seen.

"Yavik?" she asked trying to peer through the liquid, but it was too thick.

"Yes..." His voice was cut off by a loud, "-AND NEZERRA!!"

"We're going to drain it now, just relax." said Yavik, his voice soothing. She followed his instruction and let her body droop. She was soon standing in a large cylindrical tank.

She felt like a fish at those aquarium things she'd seen in books on earth. Seeing her friends standing down before her, she made a goofy face and Yavik and Nezerra's grins lit up the room.

Stepping out into the room she shivered when the cool air touched her wet skin. Yavik wrapped a warm, pulsing sheet around her and squeezed her in a hug, Nezerra jumped in, both enveloping her in their arms. Warmth suffused her body and she hugged them back.

"We're so happy you're okay."

Mya smiled at her, "You can't get rid of me that easy."

"Yavik made sure of that, he saved your life!"

Yavik looked down, his fimbriae dancing.

Mya pulled his head down and kissed his cheek, "Thank you bestie." He smiled, fimbriae fluttering fiercely. "I knew you were the best medic on this planet."

His chest puffed out – almost involuntarily - and they laughed.

"I need a shower, this gunk feels sticky!" she felt at her hair which was now clumped together and walked forward, gingerly testing her foot. It felt strong, as if nothing had ever happened.

"How long was I in that tank?" she asked astonished at her leg.

Yavik who'd bent down to ensure it had healed well answered, "Five rotations."

"Five days!" she gasped, leaning on Nezerra for balance, as Yavik lifted her foot to get a closer look "Where's Zogan?"

"He's actually going to be really disappointed he missed you waking up, he's been here every waking moment but had to leave to answer an important comm from our parents." Nezerra stood, slowly rubbing Mya's back, "He'll be back soon."

"Well, I need to look presentable, pretty sure I look like shit." stated Mya, "Can I go to my room and clean up?"

Yavik nodded but added, "You need to let me check on your leg every solar, to make sure all of the healing was done correctly, our machines are not used to human genetics."

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