Chapter Twenty Eight

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Kozantei, Fourth Quarter, Andromeda Galaxy.


Zogan scanned the feeding room and paused as his eyes rested on two huddled forms sitting so close together that it seemed they were fused. Ravanna and Yavik. He smirked, internally patting himself on the back for his match-making skills. Mya would be immensely proud of him.

He went to the kitchen command system and entered his order, the systems whirred to life. His horn ached, planning a war was no easy task. The fact that they'd retrieved the Tyrhung had made things immensely easier, but there was still the task of getting the weapon into the Ajal's world and planting it successfully. It would then be activated and cause the extinction of the entire scourge. He and his council were working extensively with the elders - strategizing, arguing, and trying to come up with a feasible plan. They were making progress, but slowly, too slowly for Zogan's liking, he wanted this done. His people and their allies had suffered too much at the hands of those wretched cowards. And then there was Aini, she'd somehow managed to get away from Azazel who was still livid about her escape.

Zogan wasn't surprised when he felt small arms wrap around him, stretching to envelope him but failing...Mya. She looked stunning as usual. His family crest emblazoned on her left chest; woven into the combat suit she wore. All warriors were training hard, and she was no exception. There was still a war to finish. He motioned her to look across the room with a flick of his head, and her gaze followed his. Her full lips split into a wide grin.

"Ooo, Yavik is moving swift!" She made a clapping motion with her hand.

She punched in her order into the machine and tried to peer at the couple inconspicuously. She was not successful, Zogan looked down at her obvious antics and scoffed.

"You are a terrible spy."

She flicked her hands at him in a go away motion and he laughed softly, swatting her behind. She yelped and mock glared at him. The system chimed and she collected her food. Zogan eyed her dish warily, "If you keep eating so much squashi you're going to become purple."

Mya gasped, eyes growing round, "Is that really a thing?"

She looked down at her dish apprehensively, there was a long pause as Zogan bit his lip trying to hold back his smile. Her frizzy hair had escaped the band that was supposed to be holding it back from her face, he liked her hair in this natural state. Wild and primal.

He nodded to answer her question, trying to remain serious. She really needed to expand her palate, there was a lot for her to discover.

Mya bit her lip - his gaze followed the action, "Then it's a risk I'm willing to take... I love me some squashi."

Zogan groaned and followed her as she practically skipped across the room. They passed by other workers and warriors who were eating their lunches, all engrossed in conversations, they were completely accustomed to Mya's antics by now.

She dropped her dish onto the table and whipped her finger up at him, "Nice try!"

He groaned louder.

Yavik and Ravanna looked over at them as they sat and Zogan noticed the deep pink color staining Yavik's cheeks. His fimbriae were also noticeably perky. He was happy for them both, truly. He hoped Yavik could teach Ravanna a thing or two about life outside of war and death, he needed it.

Ravanna had had a hard life, growing up on a slavers world with his mother who'd been kidnapped during her travels when she had been pregnant. He'd fought tooth and nail to get off of that planet and had murdered half of the slavers for the terrible things they'd done to his mother. He barely spoke of it, but Zogan knew it had made him into the lethal but quiet male that he was today.

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