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The night after a huge battle with another legion of her own kind, the demon Celine is sore, she is battle worn, she seeks the light. Celine is in her chambers she is tending to her battle wounds, she gets a visitor, it's her long time friend Kamal, he asks her why she looks so sullen as they just won a war? Celine doesn't reply at first, she then asks him, "you've been granted some time in the light?" Kamal replies, "I have, it's horrific I couldn't wait to come home, all the rules, the people whom are all about love, peace and tranquility, I couldn't stand it. Why do you ask?" Celine looks at him, "have you seen me? Have you seen the scars I now sport? Are you not sick of fighting, because guess what Kamal? I am. I am sick of fighting for a master who doesn't even know I exist. I have never even got a glimpse of the light in the thousands of years I've been here. Not even a possession of a poxy child. I would like to speak with Amon." Kamal looks at her, "it's out of the question, he is busy with his inner circle, although I have a very close friend that can get you an audience with his inner circle and they pass on the information to him. It's the best I can do? Quick question though, why? You're our most talented warrior." Celine begs Kamal to get her the audience and he promises he will.

Kamal comes to Celine's chambers a few nights later, he says to her that she must present herself to a demon named Athonus, he will hear her reasons and pass it on to Amon, then she must wait until Athonus returns with an answer. Celine is growing restless, she seeks out Athonus herself as she is about to trek to his quarters, on the way Kamal is on the way to her. Celine has been granted her request to meet with Amon personally. Celine along with Athonus make their way to Amon's lair, he is sat in the dark, his face and body hidden from her view, only his inner circle know his true face. Amon listens intently to her desires and tells her, you can be in the light for one whole year, you won't have any access to us or your powers, you will live as a human and he swears she won't last the week, let alone a full year. Celine is given instructions on how to obtain ID, a home and money. The money she must earn by herself and not use her powers to obtain it. Celine isn't even allowed to use them to get a job except ID, she is given a name of a demon in the light to help her with that, after that she is on her own.

A day later Celine wakes up in a little town, the brightness of the sun hurts her eyes, she picks up a piece of old newspaper and blocks the sun and seeks out the demon who'll get her an ID. Celine is wandering the streets, she travels for days and suddenly the demon she needed flashes his eyes and beckons her towards him, he asks her what does she want? Celine tells him that she's been given a year in the light, to live solely as a human and he is to supply her with an ID. The demon who had a human name just like her was named Fredrick, he made her stand in front of a white background and he takes a picture, he puts her name into a computer and with the tap of the keyboard her ID was complete, she was Celine Montgomery, she was from California and her date of birth was 1978, this age makes her 43 years old. Fredrick tells her, that now she's on her own and laughs while he's wishing her good luck, saying you'll be back in the underworld in less than a week. Celine ignores him and wanders off into the night.

Celine is finding some clothes that are on people's wash lines, she finds some pants and some tops and a jacket. Celine needs to hide her demonic tattoos, that was the first order from Athonus and Amon. Celine walks through the night, she happens upon people handing out food, demons eat nothing but souls and the blood of the dead, but she had to eat human food. The people handing out the food thought she was homeless, Celine takes the food, she tries soup and a bun. Celine can't believe the taste, she struggles to get it down, but she eats it all. They give her a bag of food and offer her some shelter for the night. Celine accepts and gets into a bunk in the room at the back of a church. The irony wasn't lost on her. The next morning she speaks with a woman, who tells her the local diner is looking for staff, Celine thanks her and and the people who gave her shelter and she walks up the street to the diner. Celine sees on the door, 'help wanted,' she walks in and asks the lady behind the counter if she can speak to the manager. The woman named Cheryl calls her manager and Celine asks him is the job still available? The man named Bob says, "it's still available, do you have table bussing experience?" Celine replies, "I don't, but I am a very quick study, if you give me a chance, I won't let you down?" Bob looks at her, he asks her where does she live and she replies that she's homeless, but that won't affect her work, the money she earns will help her afford a place of her own. Bob thinks for moment and says, "ok then miss quick study, show me how quickly you can clear those tables and take the next orders." Celine being a thousands year old demon warrior, knows exactly how to strategise. Celine has cleared tables, taken orders and delivered them quicker than any staff member ever has. Bob calls Celine and tells her, "you've got a months trial, one day off, one day late and it's finished." Celine assures him she won't be late, she won't take a day off, she won't let him down.

The next day Celine starts work, she earned more tips for her service in one day that most earn in a month. Celine has the money she needs for an apartment for one month at least. Celine walks the streets, she finds this one bedroom apartment at a price she can afford, Celine calls the realtor and they accept her deposit and one months rent. The apartment is fully furnished, it has a lot of working appliances, it's very dusty but she's used to that, but to live as a human, she must clean up the apartment, she gets some cleaning products from work, she cleans it from the front door to the kitchen. It's soon a very nice place to chill in after work. The next day in work Cheryl is annoyed with her because of all the tips she made in one day, Celine tells her that if she earns more than her, that she will split them with her. Cheryl says, "why thank you, I'm a single mother and my tips help me pay my bills." Celine says, "ok, I'll share all my tips with you from here on out." The diners clientele love Celine, they love how polite and efficient she is, she is bringing joy and smiles because of her humour and she regales them with her battle days. Although she doesn't tell them what battles it's all in euphemisms so they don't understand.

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