He's Unraveling.

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Almost one year since the boys disappeared, the dreams that some parents were experiencing stopped. It's almost time for another memorial, Alex doesn't want to attend, since getting out of hospital, he's been more drugged than everyone expected. Alex spends the majority of his time asleep, when he's awake he rants and raves about the demonic, Celine blames the hospital, they gave him a Bible, he now believes that demons took his son and his friends. Celine forces the medication on him, she fears what her father might inflict on him. Once he was asleep, well she assumed he was asleep, Celine called on her father asking him to pardon Alex, he says, "Celine, he's drugged up, he'll say anything. People won't take him serious except the religious nuts there." Celine is continuing her conversation with her father as Alex is coming down the stairs, he has overheard what she said. Alex demands whom she was talking to? Celine says, "babe, it's the drugs, I wasn't speaking to anyone. There's no one here, I haven't called anyone check the house, check the phones."Alex checks the whole house and the phones, he says, "I could've swore I heard you talking to someone and you called him father." Celine manages to convince him it was the medication. Alex trots back to his room, that's when Alex decided that he wouldn't take his medication anymore. When Celine offered it, he pretended to take it, he was starting to become more alive, but he was suspicious. Alex decided from that moment on, he'll be keeping a close eye on his wife.

Celine was back at work, since Freddie was sent to her former home, she has missed out in a years earnings, they have bills to pay. Alex is annoyed that Celine is working, but she convinces him that the bills still need paying, no bills have been paid for almost a year and utility companies were threatening to turn off their services. Then the internet and phones are cut off, this helps Celine because she can convince Alex it was right of her to return to work. Alex agrees, then suddenly he's researching demons on the internet, he is doing it without Celine's knowledge. Celine gets a sudden message telepathically from Freddie telling him what his father is doing, Celine looks at his search history, it's cleared but she knows how to retrieve it. The things he found out were myths, especially about the church. Alex has been in contact with a priest, he has told him in an email that his son was kidnapped by the devil, he's a demon and so is his wife. The priest asks for proof, he says he can't provide any. The priest says, then the only way to be sure is bring your wife and family to church. Celine is asked to attend church with Alex and the children on Sunday to pray for the safe return of Freddie and he would like to discuss a baptism for Celina and Alexander, Alex thought she would've put up a fight, but she didn't, she arranged to visit the church on the Sunday. On the Sunday, before they headed to church, Celine looks at the website again, it says, "no demon should be able to enter a church, the demon would be repelled by the cross of Christ and holy water." Celine knows this to be untrue, she's been in a church before, it made her slightly uncomfortable but she was fine. That was all down to the myths that demons spread to protect themselves from being discovered.

The family head to church, much to Alex's surprise Celine walked in confidently. Celina and Alexander put their hands into the holy water, they didn't know what to do with it, but Alex looked shocked. He thought that Celine and the children would be repelled they weren't. At the end of the service, Celine even approaches the priest asking him to baptise the children? He replies "of course, the only time slot I have is 6pm next Sunday? How does that work for you?" "That sounds great, father." Replied Celine. Alex doesn't understand, he now believes the priest is a demon too. Celine asks Alex to take the children to the car, the priest needs to explain to me what I need to in preparation. Alex takes them to the car, he's now thinking he's going mad. On her way out, Freddie sends a telepathic message to his mother, he says, "mom, you're protected, you can have a baptism for the children, the priest is a doubter." Celine sends one back, "thank you son. I'll do all I can to keep our secret safe." Freddie says, "I know you will mom, as does the master."

The next Sunday they go to the church, Celine takes Celina, they do the baptism, then it's Alexander's turn. Alex pipes up, Celine you should be baptised too, Celine says, "I'm afraid I've already been baptised babe." There was a nice service but this quietens Alex for a while, he's even more confused than before. Alex believes the only other way to discover Celine is who she says she is, is find her dead adoptive parents or their graves at least. Alex then asks, "babe, since we've been together, you've never been to your parents grave?" Celine says, "actually Alex, I've been quite a few times. I have even met some of their friends laying flowers there." Alex suggests they visit the grave together, Celine said she would like that. Celine says, "I'll even take you to my old neighbourhood." Alex said he would love that very much. The next week they drive to San Diego, they see the graves, then they head towards the house where Celine claimed she grew up in. It's in bad condition, so they enter, inside there's still belongings left, there's a few pictures covered in dust, they're pictures of a woman and a man with a little girl, there's other pictures of a teenage Celine or at least someone that looks exactly like her. Alex asks "which room did you sleep in?" Celine says, it's the one in the corner, it'll have a white bed, if it's still there and furniture. Alex looks in and sees all the things she described. On their way out, a woman approaches the couple, she says, "are you buying this property?" Celine says, "no, just visiting my old childhood home." The woman says, "oh my child, look how you've grown, into a beautiful woman, your parents would've been so proud of you." Celine says, "thank you Mrs Friedman, tell your daughter Anita I said hi." Mrs Friedman says, "oh my, I will. She lives in Europe now, we hardly see each other, but she calls at least once a month, I'll tell her during our next chat." Alex and Celine say goodbye and walk towards their car and drive home, the children will be finishing school by the time they return. Alex breaks down crying in the car, she says, "babe what's the matter?" Alex says, "I somehow got it into my head you and the children were demons, now I know for sure you're not, I believe that I should go back to hospital for a few months?" Celine agrees, "you do seem to be becoming a little unhinged lately. You're changing and you need all the help in the world, especially all this talk about demons." Celine drops Alex off at the clinic, she hugs him and tells him she will try come and see him whenever she can."

A Year As A Human.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt