It's A Trap.

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The world is still reeling from the moment Freddie gave his speech, he had death threats from a few crazy people, but mostly he had majority support. The humans tell him in OpEds he's a shining light on the world, demon or not. Freddie even had girls his age and older women line up to have his babies or be his wife. Freddie didn't have time for personal relationships at that moment, he did however state to his brethren that one day he will take his Queen. Celine calls him and asks him to come home, Alexander and Celina want to see him. Freddie tells his mother he'll be back in the US in a few weeks. Celine tells him that he has full support there, even from people who call themselves Christians. Freddie asks has his father been in touch? Celine tells him no, but the parents of the boys that went missing on the same day, they ask how their sons are? Freddie tells his mother to pass on the message, "tell them they're doing well, they're my confidants, they're doing great work at my behest. They'll be visiting soon." Celine says, "I'll pass on the message." Celine hangs up with her son. Alexander comes home from school and tells his mother that the kids at school want to become demons too. Celine tells him he must talk to his brother when he arrives.

Freddie had just finished a series of interviews, he takes to the road, seeing his name on newspapers, on tv screens. As Freddie drove home, his mom, brother and sister were awaiting for him. Alexander runs into his arms, telling him how much he misses him. Alexander is full of questions, but Celine tells him go stop bothering his brother as he's just walked in the door. Alexander says, "ok mom, but I want to know how I can become a demon too?" Celine says, "son, it's not possible, you're human, you were given a few gifts by my father, your grandfather as protection as you go through the world. Freddie interjects, he says, "mom, if Alexander wants to become a demon, I can activate the benevolent powers, I can make them demonic, he will then become half a human and half demon. Alexander needs to be sure this is what he truly wants?" Alexander overhears his mom and Freddie talking, he tells them he's very sure that's what he wants. Freddie and Alexander go into his room, Freddie questions him on why he wants to become a demon, Alexander explains his reasons and Freddie believes it's a good enough reason. Freddie holds his hand over Alexander's head, he changes his powers from benevolent to demonic. Freddie tells him, that he must still stay with his mom and sister and when he's old enough, he must find a woman to marry and have babies. Alexander laughs, "he's says, bro, you should've seen in my head, I don't like girls." Freddie says, "brother, I've always known you were gay, but you realise you won't ever have to have sex with a woman right?" Alexander says, "I know, but what about the marriage part?" Freddie says, "you don't have marry her, you just need to be in her life. It's to make sure any offspring you have doesn't show it's powers?" Alexander agrees, that when he becomes of age, he'll meet the man he wants to spend the rest of his life with and a man that wants a family. Freddie tells him that it's a good plan. Celine calls them all for dinner. Freddie can hardly eat, he's getting calls from demons around the world as they're being asked to show their powers. Freddie tells them in no uncertain terms to show any human any powers. It's forbidden, telling the world is something that's never had been done before, that's as far as he's willing to go.

Freddie addresses the press with why he's unwilling to show his powers, they understand, he puts in a way they'll understand. Freddie tells the journalist that, "if I asked you to undress in front of the world down to your birthday suit, what would you say?" The journalist says, that of course he wouldn't do it, it's private. Freddie says, "it's private for us too, they're our gifts that we were born with, if you want magic tricks, hire a magician." The journalist laughs and says, "ok, we won't ask them again." Then Freddie directly speaks to his fellow brethren, "if any one of you, show your powers, even if they offer you $100 million, you'll be stripped of them and sent to the wasteland." Freddie soon has hundreds of text messages telling him that they wouldn't dream of it. Celine is proud that he's laying down the law. The world is enjoying all that Freddie and the demons have achieved. They've had much resistance from the church, some churches won't even marry people not born in their parishes for fear they're marrying demons to humans. Then the seminary students that got their priesthood, they were the priests that married anyone that asked. They did face a lot of criticism for carrying out those ceremonies, but their argument was, these people are equal, they're entitled to get married. Freddie was pleased with his work, he actually challenged the pope to meet him and the pope agreed. They were to have a private meeting and a meeting with the world. Then the leaders of other churches and religions wanted a sit down with him too. They want to know how he was able to achieve all he has in five plus years, when the rest have failed for thousands of years. Freddie agrees to all these meetings, he stated to the press this, "if we're to coexist with our human counterparts, we need to sit down in a civil manner and discuss our agendas." The churches were actually happy with this response. Freddie put his meeting agenda online, he wasn't worried about the Christian zealots, he could protect himself. The news anchors and press were outside the property of his mother and Freddie demanded they leave his mother and siblings alone. The media soon left them, the last thing Celine wants is Alex discovering where they live. Although Alex hasn't been in touch in a while, she can't have him back in her life as much as she still loves her ex husband. Celine is looking forward to moving on with her life and meeting someone new. Freddie sits down with his emissaries for guidance on how to address the pope, how to address all the leaders of the worlds biggest religions. They advised him to just be himself, no showing of powers if they asked and the meeting with the pope and the other church leaders, so they don't antagonise him into revealing his powers.

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