Drunk at 2 a.m. - Luis Medoza

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You were sitting on your bed, reading one of your books as you hear someone coming towards your room. You thought it might have been your mom, but it was Luis. "Y/n" Luis yelled. "What's wrong?" You say. You went and opened your door and then realized he was drunk, and not just drunk, but he was REALLY drunk.

(Btw y'all r dating). "I want cuddlesssss" he yelled. He sounded like a toddler. You walked him over to your bed and tucked him in, then you walked downstairs. You went to the cabinet in the kitchen and grabbed a cup, you walked over to the sink and filled it with water. As you went back up the stairs, you could hear him mumbling to himself but you weren't sure what he was saying. You walked in your room and gave him the water. "Drink it" you say as you sit on your bed. "nO yOu PrObAbLy PoIsOnEd It" he says still sounding really drunk. "Cmon Luis you'll feel better" you say in response. "FiNe" he says as he drinks it.

After he drank it he gave it back to you "CuDdLeS rIgHt NoW" he said. You put the water on the side table and you cuddle up next to him. "I lOvE yOu" says Luis. "I Love you too silly" you say. Both of you fall asleep.

The next morning you wake up and see that Luis is gone. You look around the room and then heard a noise from the next room over. You burst in and see Luis next to the toilet puking his guts out. "Hey cutie" he says as you walk towards him. "Hey are you ok?" You say worried about him. "Yea I'll be ok" he says in reply. You go downstairs and grab Tylenol for his headache. "Here" you say handing it to him. "Thanks" he says walking out of the bathroom. You saw he had puke all over his shirt so you ran to your closet to get a hoodie. You give it to him and you both go in your room to go back to rest.

"Hey sorry I was being stupid last night" he says breaking the silence. "It's ok it was really cute" you say giggling. You guys lay in bed the whole day and cuddle.

This was my first story, let me know what you think!
401 words

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