I'm not a Chauffer

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* Chapter has not been edited, sorry.

Chapter 5

"I'm not a Chauffer"

Adriana’s slender fingers wrapped around the cigarette in her mouth, puckering her lips as she drawled out a slow, long puff of smoke. It was the perfect chilly night. The cold crawled up her skin and danced with her thoughts in harmony. Her hazel blue eyes looked out into the empty open, eyes flitting down the dark, solemn road as she breathed in her cigarette.

“Adriana?” Drake spoke softly.

Adriana puffed out a cloud of smoke and turned away from the window.

“Yeah?” She replied, just as soft.

“Could you close the window, I’m cold.”

Adriana  turned back towards the window, the hand with the cigarette leaning against the outside of the car door. She hesitantly dropped her cigarette and opened the door with a click, stomping down on it.

“Okay?” She glanced back at Drake and smiled, closing the door and leaning her arms on the steering wheel.

“I agreed to be a nanny. Why the hell are they treating me like their chauffer?” Adriana’s eyebrows furrowed, her fingers drumming down on the rubber case of the steering wheel.

After a moment of silence, Drake spoke up once again.

“Why do you smoke so much?” Adriana’s fingers froze mid-way. She glanced at Drake through the rear view mirror, reading into the genuine expression on his face. Well, why not. Her first order as nanny would be to educate the boy.

She sighed, “It makes me feel good.”

“What does that mean?”

“It’s like, when I feel sad I just light up a cigarette and suddenly I’m not as sad anymore, at least for a little while.” Adriana replied.

“Are you sad right now?” Drake asked, peering back at her through the mirror.

Adriana paused, “Not anymore.”

''Why were you sad before?''

Adriana's fingers tightened around the rim of the wheel, ''I think you've asked enough questions.''

He was really starting to bother her.

''Were they going to kill you?''

''What?'' She spat, abruptly twisting in her seat to face him. Her icy blue eyes dared him to continue, the blood in her veins racing.

''Why didn't they kill you?''

Adriana paused, not sure how to respond.

''They killed my mom,'' he continued.

''They left her to die in an alley.''

Adriana's heart thudded as the silence ensued, she didn't know what to say. He said it so calmly in that soft voice of his.

“Did you,” she paused, shaking her head. No, she couldn’t ask him if he'd seen it.

“-How long ago did it happen?” She asked quietly.

“Three years ago. I’ve been with Nicolai and Corbin ever since.”

“How’d you find them?” Adriana asked curiously.

Drake shook his head, “they found me.” He smiled a small smile.

The car was silent for a moment, “I’m sorry.” The words rolled off Adriana’s tongue.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2013 ⏰

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