Kill Me Now

956 31 10

Chapter 4

“Kill Me Now”

She’d been wrong. Adriana brought the cigarette to her lips and inhaled, closing her eyes as she blew out a puff of smoke. Then she propped her elbows up on the railing, letting out a sigh.

Nicolai had warned her not to smoke in front of Drake, but hey, fuck him.

She gazed out into the starry night sky as her thoughts wandered through the haze of her mind. Down below were a couple rows of sparse, crookedly parked cars. To her left she could see the road unwind down the street, into a small convenience store beside a grocery. Even farther down, her gaze angled at the horizon, Adriana made out large trees poking out from in between hotels, motels, and office buildings. She turned to her right to find the highway stretch on for miles, a small bridge connecting the parallel ends of a strong river.

She could hear cars honking and tires skidding down the road, and it brought a surreal sense of calm to her mind.

Corbin had called three days ago, warning them to stay out of town a while longer. Why? No one would tell her. So here she stood, following her normal routine with an hour of smoking and silence.

What was up with these people anyways? Two criminals taking care of an eight year old boy? What exactly were they? Were they a part of a gang? That didn’t really explain why Drake was a part of their crew.

More and more questions swarmed around Adriana’s mind in silent whispers until she let out a heavy sigh.

“Screw it,” she mumbled irately, but she couldn’t just ignore it. The questions still plagued her mind, and they had a right to. She was a prostitute, not a dumbass. Of course she would question these boys and their methods.

“Ugh!” she groaned, growing more frustrated. Just what had she gotten herself into?

Adriana put out the butt of her cigarette on the railing, flinging it down into the bare lot below. She ran her slender fingers through her thick, damaged raven hair, blowing out a final breath. She twirled on the heel of her bare foot and made her way back into the motel room.

Drake looked up from the TV at her arrival. She caught the way his nose crinkled as his big, grey eyes rested on her.

“Hey, Adriana,” he paused. Adriana turned away, managing a hey.

She’d forgotten about the lingering stench of smoke on her. Feeling self conscious as she made her way into the two-way kitchen, she yanked open the fridge door and a light bulb flickered to light before her eyes.

It wasn’t the refrigerator bulb either.

She speedily made her way to the kitchen entrance, craning her neck to peer at Drake from behind the wall. The boy in question had gone back to watching TV.


Adriana scampered back into the main room, hardly breathing as she crawled over to Drake and Nicolai’s bed. She peered over the mattress to check up on Drake then turned to the side-table placed next to the bed. Outstretching her hand, she yanked a thick, leather wallet off the smooth, wooden top.

There was a knot balled in the pit of her stomach as she pulled out a few bills with stiff fingers; the guy was shady, of course she’d be nervous taking his money.

Nevertheless it was all done with and she found herself back in the kitchen, sliding a few paper bills into the pocket of her sweatpants.

She stepped back out the opposite kitchen doorway, stalking over toward the coat rack placed next to the front door as she plucked her recently bought button-up, military jacket off the hooks.

“Where are you going?” Drake asked as she unbolted the front door, yanking it open.

Adriana turned her head over her shoulder, abruptly casting him a small smile, “we’ve ran out of groceries. I’ll be back from the store in about ten minutes.” With that she stepped out into the crisp, warm, night time air, sliding the door shut behind her.

Adriana strut down the hall in her open-toed flats, practically hopping down the stairwell as a smile formed on her lips. It was the first time in days that she could do something on her own; make a decision for herself. Nicolai was a pain in the ass. He wouldn’t let her outside of the motel, and it irritated her more than anything. This was the twenty first century, women were allowed to go out at night. They weren’t supposed to stay stuck at home. What was the worst that could happen, rape? The corners of Adriana’s lips turned.

She almost burst out laughing. It was an awful joke, sure, but oh the irony. Adriana shook her head, her long black hair fluttering around her. Besides, she was only going for groceries, it wasn’t like she was about to sneak out to a party any time soon.

Her eyes flickered ahead, grazing over the line of stores.

The sky was a deep, dark blue, and a layer of fog hung thick around the luminescent moon. Adriana made her way down the sidewalk, listening for the occasional whoosh of a passing car. With distant car honks as her soundtrack, and the desolate street as her backdrop, Adriana began to think; or at least she tried.

Her mind often distanced itself from heavy thoughts. She avoided confrontation and couldn’t bring herself to face the truth that was her life. So what if she was a prostitute? Money, drugs, and alcohol. That was all she needed. It was a cycle. Sex for money, money for drugs, and alcohol to keep herself from thinking. She didn’t mind it, not at all.

Adriana’s eyes lowered to the ground, and she let out a small sigh. Sure, she had the occasional relapse, the cliched what-am-I-doing-with-my-life conversations with herself, but it would never last. The cycle would start again and replay day after month after year.

A pair of shoes appeared in her line of sight, several more standing around. Adriana looked up into the eyes of a large , bulky man with beady black eyes and a dimple in his chin. A small group of unattractive men stood behind him, some of them just beginning to look up her way. Adriana didn’t bat an eye, this was nothing new to her, dealing with creeps was a job requirement for her. One of the shorter guys lit his cigarette, his eyes stalking her.

He blew out a puff of smoke just as she walked by, choking her. Adriana didn’t falter, her lips remained set in a stern line and her eyes glared into the grocery store entrance up ahead. Her balled up fists tightened as the men began to snigger and call out at her. A small knot formed in her stomach as she strained her ears for the sound of footsteps behind her, but there was none other than her own.

She let out a long, slow breath as she made her way inside the store.

* * *

Adriana made her way down the streets with a bag of groceries dangling from one of her arms. The moon had dimmed, and the streets were almost completely barren.

The men were no longer there when she left the store, and it had brought her a small calm, but the silence of the night was beginning to make her nerves itch.

She wondered if Nicolai had noticed she was gone. Last time she checked, he was taking a shower. Would he be mad, or really mad that she jacked his money and left without his permission.

Adriana backtracked, she didn’t need his permission for anything. Fuck that. So what if she’d watched him high-tail it out of a shooting? He was still just a typical man, and like every other man, he had his weaknesses.

Adriana could now see the motel off in the near distance, pulling her out of her thoughts. She’d just stepped past a streetlight when something smacked her from behind. Something hard.

The world started spinning. She felt a pair of rough hands grab at her arms, and another pair at her legs.They dragged her into a dark alley, the plastic bag in her hand flying to the ground, a carton of milk slipping out and spilling onto the cement.

“What the-” a hand covered her mouth as another restrained her arms, sheer instinct had her kicking and screaming, her heart thumping loudly against her chest. Her eyes snapped open to come face-to-face with the ugly, beady-eyed creep from before.

In that instant it felt like the life drained out of her, her blood running cold.

“Hey there sweetheart,” his raspy voice escaped his crooked lips, “going home so soon?”

Adriana immediately responded with a muffled yell.

“What was that?” She wiggled her arms, eyes hot as coal.

“You wanna come play with us for a while? Well,” a twisted smile slithered up his face, contorting him into something entirely different in the darkness, “how could we refuse?”

* * *

The metal sling of a knife pierced the air, and Adriana took in a broken gasp as the tip of the blade ran down the side of her neck, the fabric of her shirt ripping apart as it made its way down.

Wait a minute, wasn’t she wearing a jacket?

She heard them snicker as the man restraining her pushed her to the ground, her knees and elbows scraping against the dirty cement. Adriana crossed her arms over her chest in shame, a chill thundering down her spine. Her eyes began to fill, her gaze skimming the ground. She didn’t have the nerve to look up.

“What’s wrong?” The dirty bastard’s voice spoke up.

Adriana couldn’t find her voice. She looked at the ground, her thoughts flitting around in circles.

Was this really happening?

A large hand yanked at her hair, pulling Adriana to her knees with a yelp.

“Look at me when I’m talkin’ to you, bitch.” Adriana’s lip trembled.

The bastard’s face contorted into another crooked smile.

“There, there. Let me tell you how this is gonna go” he said soothingly, “first we’re gonna fuck you, then we’ll cut you up a little, but don’t worry” he cupped her chin, “I won’t let anything happen to that pretty little face of yours.” Grinning, he continued, “then we’re gonna throw you into that dumpster right there and leave you to die.”

Adriana’s mind couldn’t grasp what he said after, all she could think of was to yell out “you’ll never get away with this!” like they do in movies, but, she’d be lying to herself.

There would be no one to notice she was missing or identify her remains. She’d bleed to death and nobody would notice.

Everybody would just move on with their everyday lives, she’d seen it all before, they’d all fall back into routine and pretend she never existed. People were heartless, selfish little things, they only cared about themselves, she knew that best.

“But I guess that’s just how shit works.”

Suddenly there was no more wondering, there were no more thoughts. She would die here, and she would accept it.

All she could do was block out the pain and hold back her disgust.

Her eyes no longer held their spark. They were the glass windows to her frozen soul. She couldn’t feel a thing, her broken body was merely numb. From her icy blue eyes shed a single tear. It trickled down her blank face, sharp and beautiful as if carved in stone.

For now, she was nothing more than a living corpse, immune to the pain.

* * *

Adriana caught onto something, her eyes gradually coming to focus. It was a large puddle of milk on the sidewalk. She blinked, her eyes drooping shut, but she forced them open. She was, for whatever reason, intrigued by it. She blinked deliberately, but this time the puddle of milk rippled. The last she saw was a pair of footsteps sprinting into the alley before her eyes slipped shut.


How'd you like it? I hope it wasn't too rushed, I tried my hardest to keep it in pace but I just wanted to get it over with by the end of it. Oh, and I would assume that the story changes tones at certain parts because I'd been so on and off with this chapter. 


Anyways, thanks for reading and don't forget to vote, comment, or add this story to your library to show your support. I'd like to thank my fans (if there are any left) who didn't leave TPBB despite the uber late update. <3

Chapter 5 will be posted up after I've reached 200 votes. Don't hate me for this

P. S - I do apologize if the 'rape scene' makes you uncomfortable, but considering this story's about a prostitute, I think those who dared to read this story can handle it. At least it wasn't very graphic (y) 

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