Girl's Gotta Do What a Girl's Gotta Do

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Chapter 1

“Girl's Gotta Do What a Girl's Gotta Do"

Adriana traced over the bruises forming around her neck with slender fingers, setting her jaw as flashes of the night before hovered past her mind’s eye.

“That little fucker,” she hissed, gritting her teeth.

The night was calm and quiet; a familiar film of distant noises blurring together into a soothing buzz. The siren of a far-away ambulance murmured through the empty street, clangs of plates and spoons would chime from inside a dimly lit restaurant farther down the road, and the whispered whooshes of honking cars passing by arose into the dry, night air.

Adriana considered grabbing a smoke, her fingers twitching as her eyes narrowed down on her breasts, but decided against it. Most clients didn’t like the smell.

She warily eyed the short, blonde haired, blue eyed, pigtailed, baby-faced woman chugging down her bottle every few minutes standing next to her. A gentle wind fluttered past, carrying a small trace of tobacco. Her fingers twitched a second time, as she unwittingly closed her tired eyes and inhaled the scent.

At the rumble of a car engine her eyes snapped open, watching as the previous girl slid into a sleek, black BMW and rode away.

“Shit” she muttered under her breath, her mind wandering back to her smokes. Adriana’s eyes roamed down the scarce street, narrowing in on a target walking her way. 

She unknowingly traced along the markings around her neck before pushing her breasts up and fluffing her hair. She got into role, compelling her state of mind and slithering her lips into a smirk as the man, in his brown corduroy suit and black loafers, obliviously fixed his tie.

“Hey there” she drawled, placing the tip of her finger under the man’s chin, pushing his head up to reveal his face.

“I love a man in a suit” she said huskily, “twenty bucks, and I’ll do whatever you want me to” she winked.

The man gulped, and Adriana’s lips unintentionally split into a feisty grin. He opened and closed his mouth, no words coming out, gawking at her like a fish.

“I-” a loud honk startled the two and Adriana snapped her head to the side, pulled out of her trance.

Her face scrunched in irritation for a split second, her eyes resting on a man in a business suit seated inside of a his car.

“Hey there sweetheart” he slurred drunkenly in his gravely voice.

Adriana’s hand immediately slipped away from the man with the tie, balling into a fist as she subconsciously rested her knuckle against the tip of the bruise on her neck.

Oh great, it was the guy with a serious choke-fetish from last night.

Adriana’s eyebrows furrowed, and she snapped her head back toward the man with glasses, surprised to hear the sound of his footsteps slapping against the pavement as he ran. She grumpily turned back to the businessman, cursing under her breath.

“What’s your offer?” She eventually asked.

The man slurred a response, but she wasn’t in the mood to try and figure it out. Instead, she felt something tug on the bottom of her mini-skirt, and tuned the drunk out.

She gazed downward to find a boy, no taller than her knee, to be the culprit. She stared at him in silence, confused out of her wits. 

“Hey lady” he flashed her a toothy grin, “I need a favour.”

Adriana remained silent, her face void of expression.

“You said you’d do anything for twenty bucks, right?”

He couldn’t possibly be serious.

“I wanna hire you.”

Adriana immediately opened her mouth to refuse, ready to tell the kid to beat it when he added, “I want you to meet my older brothers.”

She closed her mouth, her mind going blank.

“Hey baby. Aren’t you listening to me?” The man in the car honked, startling her. She turned to him with wide eyes, having forgotten he was still there.

She gazed at the boy once again, surely his brother must have been some horny, seventeen year old loser trapped in his parents’ basement. It might even be his birthday or something. She scrutinized the boy a moment longer, still trying to peg just what his story was. Then she turned back toward the drunk, taking in his dirty, sloppy gaze.

Turning back to the boy, Adriana bent down as far as she could go in that damned miniskirt, placing the palms of her hands on her knees as she tried to get as close to the boy’s eye level as she could manage.

“Where’s your brother?” She asked, he pointed down the road, “not too far from here.”

As she leaned back into a stand, she glanced at the boy “show me the money.” 

The words came out awkwardly as she acknowledged that she was talking to a mere boy. Nonetheless, he unzipped his coat pocket, and pulled out a clump of dollar bills. Whatever remained stored in his pocket poked out the side, leaning against the zipper teeth.

Adriana’s eyebrow rose, there was way more than twenty bucks in there. Rich, seventeen year old loser boy?

“Fine” was her simple reply, but the boy immediately clasped his small fingers around her hand, dragging her down the street; a grin on his face.

A car honk pulled her out of her thoughts, “where are you going? Okay, okay. I’ll double it. Come on, sweetheart.” He gave her a crooked, sloppy smile that disgusted her to no end; but double the pay? She paused, looking at the boy and back. However, as her fingers pressed against the bruised flesh around her neck, her gaze turned fiery.

“Let’s go.” She wiggled her fingers, the boy’s hand still latched around hers as they continued forward.

Hi Wattpad <3

This is my first story on here, I normally post them on (FairytalePerception .. don't judge;) Anyways, tell me what you think. I'll be honest, I just really wanted to get a story out there, haha, so I'm sorry if this one's not my best work. Also, I'm not exactly sure what direction this story's gonna go, but it sure as hell won't have any mature content, and probably won't stay serious for too long. Love triangles, gang scenerio, that's what I'm thinking. Personally, I feel like this may be the most original story I've written so far, and I'm sorry if the first chapter bored you, but try and give it a chance? 

Oh, and I'm sorry if I offend anyone with the term prostitute, or the persona of the story, or anything that I may have said. I really didn't mean to. The story was really just to try something new. :/

So I hope you enjoyed! Leave a comment, subscribe/alert, whatever you call it on here, haha. Until next time. :)

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