C H A P T E R | T H R E E

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Ryan and Kyler where asleep in each other arms on the couch when Dylan got back home, and he gave a glare. They both knew the rule 'no sleeping over if an adult isn't home'.

He had to debate whether on not to wake them up, but if he did then he would have to deal with Kyler glaring down his neck for the rest of the day until he got over it like an adult. Dylan decided against it, and just went straight up to his room, hot giving up completely and stomped all over the floor in hopes they would wake up. Technically he couldn't have Kyler made at him if he said it was a mistake.

A cry of annoyance flooded up the stairs and sounded like music to Dylan's ears as he stripped off his dirty clothing and hopped in the shower, feeling all the scents and the mixed sweat on him being wash away. At the same time all he could think about is Kylers friend, the one who was there without creating a ruckus and who actually looked apologetic.

Dylan could imagine him laying on his bed, looking through his phone wearing only a pair of boxers that left little to the imagination, his hair displayed on a white pillow, his eyes shifting back and forth on his phone screen.

By the time he realized it, he had been imagining the boy on his bed, wearing his clothes and scrolling through his phone.

Snapping his eyes wide open, Dylan turned the warm water to cold and let out a shriek at the sudden change of tempature, scrambling back against the other side of the shower and scowling.  He was no longer hot for anything, and stuck a shivering arm through the steam, turning the knob for the water and got out.

A towel laid a few feet away, on the counter.

Usually Dylan brought in clothes, but as he looked around, he realized he didn't. His scowl just grew deeper.

It was also like this after he had to do a scene, the stress it takes to do it, and then come home and lie right to his brothers face, it takes a larger toll on him then he expects. Before Dylan could let out an aggravated cry, he fists his hand, letting his nails curl into his palm and tear the skin opened a little. A few drops of blood cover the ends of his nails and coat his finger.

The pain was enough to snap Dylan out of the acne he was in and keep the towel wrapped around his waist as he exited the bathroom, allowing for the steam to flow out and follow him into his closet.

When he first bought the house, he had allowed his brother to get the generally larger room,they pretty much were the same length but Kyler's had a few more feet in it. Dylan kept his cloths and his dresser in his closet.

There was a white one just taking up space in his bedroom, but it was easier to just store all f his clothes in one place instead of having to look all around for a par of jeans or shorts.

Opening then top drawer, Dylan flinched at the boxers folded neatly on top of the pile, they were the ones from his vivid imagination. Just looking at them made him he's, and he had to take a step back, shutting hi eyes and envisioning something to cool down his apparently horny mind.

It didn't work right to his advantage and he just opted to shut the drawer and pull on a pair of joggers he left sitting on the top of the drawers. It was enough to keep him at least modestly covered incase Kyler broke the rules again and invited friends over.

Dylan couldn't blame his either, he was a kid once too, and he definitely threw parties against his parents will, and even invited loud noisy people over when he had explicit orders not too.

Breaking out of his thoughts, Dylan left the room. If Kyler hadn't woken up from the loud stomps then he would have t go and wake the both of the up. And cook for the two of them.

Disappointed but not upraised, Dylan came down to Kyler and Ryan still wrapped in each other's arms, their eyes flickering back and forth. As much as Dylan wants to scream and bang pots and pans to wake the up with a shock, he just shook his brothers shoulders.

"Kyler" Dylan whispered once he was groggily awake, slowly coming into consciousness "mhm" Kyler responded,rubbing hr sleep out of his eyes "it almost" looking over at the lock on the wall "6;00am."

Kyler looked over too, his eyes narrowing to read the time and let out a loud yawn, stretching his arms up above his head "thanks" he nodded in Dylans direction and started waving butterfly kisses along Ryans jaw, tickling him enough to wake him up.

With a disgusted grimace on his face, Dylan backed into the kitchen, immediately heading for the fridge and taking out some thawed bacon, and eggs. It was an easy breakfast to make in 10 minutes. For something special, Dylan grabbed some English muffins out of the cupboard and popped them into the toaster, still keeping and eye on the eggs being cooked.

It wasn't long before both of the teenager boys where dressed and scrambling down the steps, both trying to push each other and trying to play musical chair.  Dylan watched with a smile, flinching when a chair hit rather harshly against the wall and left s dent.

"Boys" he finally called out when the last egg was finished, catching both their eye attention and the attention of their stomachs as they rumbled at the exact same time. Ryan was the first to let out. Loud laugh and nudge Kyler shoulders before taking a seat at the end of the table, snatching the pepper and slat if of the island in some sort of helping hand.

"I'm going to eat later" Dylan said, this tie being the one to let out a yawn, and delivered the dirty dishes right into the sink, allowing some cool water to run some of the grease down the drain "right now, sleep s calling my name."

Kyler gave him a half nod, scarfing scrambled eggs into his mouth and placing foodies with Ryan, flicking his eyes up once to tell Dylan he had understood.

With that dismissal, Dylan escaped the romantic atmosphere and ran to his room, towards his comfortable bed.

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