C H A P T E R | S I X

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Dylan inspected his knuckles again as he sat crisscross on his bed, gently rubbing his thumb across where Carden had touched his skin. Subconsciously he knew it was bad to be lusting after this boy, but the other part of his brain kept picturing his innocent looking face.

Thankfully everyone had gone home almost an hour ago and Dylan was able to lock himself inside his room to try and give himself a pep talk about relationships.

"It's just because of how your job makes you view other guys" he berated himself as he dropped back onto his pillows, holding his hands behind his head so he could no longer play with them.

Dylan groaned as the thought of Cardens hand ghosting over his stomach filled his thoughts again and buried his head in the closest covers, trying to think of anything else to block out the thoughts of Carden.

It didn't work, each time he managed to block out one thought, another would pop out up out of nowhere, leaving Dylan with no peace of mind.

He flipped to the other side and let out a scream, yanking at the roots of his hair and finally getting up. Laying in his bed doing nothing, did nothing for blocking out the thoughts of Carden.

Opening his drawers, Dylan replaced his current clothes with a pair of worn jeans and a black shirt that was slightly to tight.

Looking in the mirror, he fixed his hair and pulled on a belt before feeling satisfied in how he was dressed and left his room full of thoughts.

Kyler was sitting in his bed with the door open so he waved as Dylan went down the stairs, bidding him fair well and going back to studying.

Part of Dylan felt guilty for not telling Kyler where he was going, while the other part knew that if Kyler knew it would change alot between them.

Grabbing his car keys out of the dish on the way towards the front door, he looked around at the slightly trashed house and sighed deeply with the decision.

Dropping his keys back into the dish, Dylan grabbed a black garbage bag and paper towels, cleaning up left over food and drinks, tossing out any garbage that was left laying around.

The house was only slightly trashed, but Dylan still took a good amount of time to clean and sanitize any place that the teenage boys could have left teenage boy bacteria. Maybe that's what he caught, teenage boy hormones from being around them so much.

Placing all the dishes in the sink, he left it for Kyler to do later, not letting his brother get out of all the cleaning. Dylan knew that when he came home tonight he would either have to do them, or clean them all again from his brothers horrible dish washing skills. Which he would prefer, he didn't know.

Taking the black garbage bag with him, he walked towards the front door again and this time walking out with his car keys, only making one stop to put the garbage bag in the garbage can.

Climbing into his vehicle, he fixed his hair one last time and waved goodbye to his elderly neighbour who was eyeing him suspiciously.

The truck he was driving sputtered once before starting up and backing out of the vehicle. Dylan's truck was due for a maintenance repair, but the longer he delayed the less he had to put in more hours at work. And for that he would delay it until his vehicle physically broke down.

He could feel the unnatural rumble of the engine as he pulled onto an almost deserted road on the way to the bar. Most people who knew him already pitied him enough, and if they say him driving through main streets to the bar, the talk would be major.

A loud bang came from beneath Dylan's hood and he let out a slight yell, he thought maybe it was a false alarm but a moment later, a cloud of black smoke started pouring out from any place it could and Dylan was forced to pull over and get out of the truck.

The second he got fresh air he started coughing and inhaling wildly.

"Fuck" he cursed as he stared at his poor truck and the long walk he would have to do, either to his house or to the bar.

Swearing again, he kicked his trucks tire and winced at the pain, biting his lip.

Just Dylan's luck, he had to use a street that almost nobody used, and his phone was dead.

With his luck, he grabbed his truck keys making sure to lock his vehicle and start the long walk towards the bar. Any other day he would walk back home, but today he just needed to get drunk and forget it ever existed.

Taking a big step in the direction he was heading, Dylan was stopped by a loud obnoxious beeping of someone's car home.

His stomach filled with dread as he spun around and saw a blue Mitsubishi headed in his direction, a young teenage boy grinning in the drivers seat.

"For fucks sake" Dylan whispered under his breath as Carden stopped next to the older boy "you ok?" He asked as the window rolled down.

Dylan nodded and refused to make eye contact "is your truck okay?" Carden tried again, only to be met with a slight nod but no answer.

The younger boy sighed and started driving, hope clouding Dylan's thoughts only for the boy to pull off to the side of the road and get out of the vehicle.

Carden approached a twitching Dylan who avoided everything to do with the boy "wanna pop the good for me big boy" Carden joked and waited for Dylan's reaction. He blushed slightly despite yelling at himself internally not too.

Walking to the door, he pulled it open and popped the hood, another cloud of smoke billowing out.

Carden coughed at his first face full, before pulling away and throwing a giddish smile in Dylan's direction.

"I can't fix it here, I can give you a ride home or to wherever you are going and then call someone to come pick up your truck. You fried the engine" Carden said and slammed the hood shut, walking towards Dylan.

Slightly freaking out at how close Carden was getting, he side stepped out of the way, walking in direction of the bar "that's okay, I need the air, you can go home and I'll call someone later".

Carden frowned slightly "come on, Kyler and Ryan would kill me if I left you here all alone" Dylan scoffed and continued walking "so say you never saw me."

Anything to get away from the boy, who chose to frown even deeper "Dylan" he basically purred and took a large step towards the older man, entrancing him "let me drive you home, please I can't leave you out here" Carden continued, his hand reaching up and just touching Dylan's arm.

With a bunch of reluctance, Dylan sighed "fine, but just home and that's it."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2022 ⏰

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