C H A P T E R | F I V E

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Dylan hid his face in the pillow until he heard the sound of Carden going down the stairs, and got up, walking towards the punching bag even as he was tired enough to pass out where he stood.

Pulling his naked hand back, he let it sail towards the bag and clenched his teeth as his knuckles made contact with the hard material. As much as he felt it he also didn't, it was a paint that made him remember he was human.

He must have spent at least an hour throwing punches before the pain became to much and he fell on the floor with breathless pants from working out snd sweat going down his back and dirtying his shirt.

Yanking it off, he left it on the floor and left his room, heading across the hall towards the bathroom, ignoring the fact that his brother and his friends where obviously skipping school.

When he enter the bathroom he finally got a good look at his knuckles and winced, they were bleeding snd the bruised weren't blue they were black and purple and covered with dark crimson blood.

Ducking down, he opened the button drawer and took out the wrapping bandages, and held one end with his teeth while wrapping it around his fist, tucking one part underneath the other side.

It was a horrible job and all falling apart, Dylan just pouted at it and tossed it on the counter, blood splattering all over it and walking out. The feel of fresh cuts hitting cold air stung snd he clenched his head into fists, ignoring the old cuts re-opening.

Dylan only had one other option, so he grabbed the stained bandaids and headed downstairs, turning to head into the kitchen where the party seemed to be staying away from other then for drinks. Entering the kitchen he heard the drawers being opened but nobody was in sight.

"Kyler" he called out, his socks covering his footsteps as he walked around the island, one eyebrow in the air "can you help me wrap my-" Dylan stopped short as there Carden was, kneeling on the ground his face directly at his groin.

He jumped back, his hand catching on the side of the island and he let out a yelp, tugging it into his chest and staining his chest with blood. Blood that caught Cardens attention and he stood up quickly "are you okay" he reached forward and tried to see what was causing the ongoing bleeding.

"Why are you looking through my kitchen drawers" he changed the subject, looking around the boys form towards the junk drawer which was fully ajar. It peaked his interest, Dylan pushed away from the counter and started walking to see what was out of place, wracking his mind to figure out what was in it in the first place.

He was almost able to peak inside when Carden blocked his path with a slight blush on his face "Kyler asked me to get something for him" he whispered embarrassed. Trying to side stepped the younger male, Carden just blocked his path again "it's for your brother."

With his interest peaked, Dylan moved one way, watching as Carden did the same and shīt passed him the other way, what would his brother be asking for?

"Shit" he shouted and gripped Dylan's waist, yanking him backwards with unknown strength. It shocked him as he struggled out if the hold, failing miserably "Carden" Kyler shouted as he entered the room "did you find the condoms" he swallowed his words when he saw his brother.

"I mean the condo papers for yourself" he tried to change the sentence "condoms, in my house" Dylan growled, fighting against the arms that tightened up "they weren't for me" Kyler shouted.

"Who the fuck are the condoms for then" Dylan shouted, his voice cracking off as a hard things pressed against his thigh.

Luckily Kyler didn't notice "Carden I'm sorry" he said and pointed to the body holding him "Carden asked me if I had any" the hand released and Carden walked out.

He shrugged as if Dylan knowing he wanted condoms was no big deal "I'm not ashamed" he wasn't ashamed, but as Dylan who stores his condoms in there he was.

It was to awkward now and he started walking away "Dylan" Kyler shouted after him, catching his attention "what happened to your knuckles" Cardens eyes shot down to them.

"Well I was going to ask you to wrap them but it doesn't matter" he was going to walk away when two hand wrapped gently around his wrist and pulled him back "Kyler, Ryan's calling you" Carden said, tugging Dylan backwards.

With one last suspicious look, his brother left the room, leaving him and Carden in an awkward tension.

"I'll wrap for you" and without permission, grabbed the bandaid, and with one strong hand held Dylan still while he skillfully wrapped it. His hands was soft snd warm and made him shiver.

Sadly Carden noticed and gently pushed him against the island, finishing his job and moving to hold Dylan's wrists gently "by the way" he whispered gently "I was asking for the condoms not because I wanted them for someone else, but I wanted them for you" Dylan choked at that and stared wide eyed as Carden walked away, his fingertips tickling his stomach.

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