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*Summer before Junior High*

Hinata Shoyo was biking home one day till something in the market he was going through caught his eyes.

The news was playing on a display television so he stopped to see what was happening. On the screen, there seemed to be a disaster that happened in Osaka. There was a hero, Pro Hero, that was coming out of the mess carrying some helpless citizens.

One thing that stood out for Hinata was how this hero kept a smile on his face the whole time.

With the dozens, then hundreds, then thousands of victims he carried out, he kept that smile. A bright smile that gave everyone hope.

This was the day that Hinata knew what he wanted to do with his life.

For the next 3 years, he trained everyday and worked on reaching his goals.

He researched fighting tactics, had his friends spar with him everyday after school and worked on growing his quirk range.

'it's going to be hard, but I will make it. I will not be defeated.'

*Exam day*

It was the day of the exam and Hinata Shoyo practically bounced out of his bed when his alarm went off.

He gets dressed and heads for the kitchen to get breakfast, where he is greeted with the heavenly smell of warm waffles and fruit.

"Good morning, Shoyo! You got up quickly." his mom says.

"I'm just so excited. I can't wait to show them what I got!" Shoyo says, punching a fist in the air.

"I'm glad you feel that way. Are you nervous at all?" his mom asks, looking over her shoulder.

"Not really. I'm just really happy that I'm going to be one step closer to my dream!" he yells.

"It's too early to be this loud!" his little sister, Natsu, yells when she walks into the room rubbing her eyes.

"Sorry. I'm just so excited." Hinata replies while taking a seat at the table when his mom brings out the waffles and fruits.

"Well, eat up. You need all the energy you can get for your entrance exam." his mom says, taking a seat at the table. "Gosh, I'm just so proud of you Shoyo, you know that?"

"Thank you mom."

The family eats their breakfast together and after, Shoyo goes back to his room to pack up all he would need for the day. When he gets back to the living room, he sees his whole family there.

His mom looks at him so proudly. She knows how hard her son has been working for this day. She knew that there will be so many other participants that will be really strong, but she knows that with all his training, he can make the cut.

Natsu stood there, looking down at the ground, averting her eyes from her older brother's. She kept her hands behind her back and was shifting her feet around. This was out of character for the young Hinata, but Shoyo just assumed it was nerves for him.

"Hey. Natsu. Don't worry about me. I will make it. I will make it into U.A. for you." Shoyo says, giving his younger sister a soft smile when she finally looks up.

"I- " Natsu starts but slightly gets choked up. "I made you a Omamori for good luck!" she then yells, holding out a small orangey coloured fabric Omamori with both of her hands.

"You- you made this for me?" Shoyo asks, surprised, while taking the palm sized good luck charm into his own hands. Well, maybe not his palm size. More like Natsu's palm size.

Natsu vigorously nods her head and precedes to continue. "Mom helped me out by embroidering it!"

Shoyo didn't realize it was embroidered too, so he flipped the fabric pouch over to see 学業成就 written on it.

"Gakugyo-joju" Shoyo reads out loud. 'for success in studies, passing exams.' Some tears well up into the ginger boy's eyes and he looks up to the two most important females in his life. "Thank you."

Shoyo grabs both of them into a huge group hug, which took the two by surprise.

"Oh! Well, of course." his mom says.

Shoyo lets go of the hug.

"You need all the luck you can get to pass this exam!" Natsu yells, giving her big brother a thumbs up and a huge smile to match.

"I do. Thank you. I will always keep this with me. Always." Shoyo says.

Natsu's smile just grows even bigger.

"Okay okay. Not to break the moment, but you need to go catch your train!" their mom says. "I don't want you to bike today. You need to preserve all your energy for your exam. So go on. We'll be here waiting to hear how it goes!"

And with that, Shoyo heads out the door and starts making his way to the train station.

Word Count ~ 813

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