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Im Alive, Anyways.... Enjoy :) 

3rd pov*

Izuku walked out of class with Mina again, the talked and stuff but they ran into the 3rd years 

"Ah, sorry" Izuku said
"it's fine. Hey, aren't you the kid everyone is talking about, Izuku Midoriya right?" a guy with black hair similar to Izuku

"Yeah, that's me"
 Izuku said and walked off with Mina again.

( skip bc I lazy ) 

" I think this is a good idea for the uniform!" Mina yelled
"let me see" Izuku said as he got up and waked over, Mina showed him a drawing of the idea she had.
"That looks awesome! can you send me that later?"
" Yeah of course"

they talked about colors and stuff like that until they were interrupted by loud talking

"Oh, come on our hair it similar, and you can't so otherwise!!" 
" Our hair is not similar say that one more time I will kill you!"

the red head had a pouting face while the blondie had a frowned face.

"Hey Mina, hey Midobro!" Kirishima yelled as he ran up to the two 

"Hai Kiri!" Mina said waving 
"Hello Kirishima-Kun!" Deku said lifting his head 

"What are you nerds doing" Bakugo said sitting on the bench in front of the other two 

" Izuku and I are designing the cheer outfits"

Mina said as Kirishima also sat down by Bakugo.       

" New uniforms really? You fuckers better make them comfortable." Bakugou spat while lookng at his phone. 

" Well of course Bakubae, who do you think I am." 

Kirishima giggled as Bakugo rolled his eyes. Deku smirked and just looked up at the sky. 

"I thought the news said it was going to be sunny today, not all cloudy." the others looked up surprised. " We gotta get back to the dorms" Kirishima said standing up Deku gave a questioning look until he heard thunder. 

" Oh, that's why, okay let's go." the four started walking, Bakugo felt a few rains drops and put his bag over his head as well at Kirishima. Deku and mina looked at them weird, they looked down and seen how much raindrop had fallen, just enough to make it look like it just got raining, the dorms where another 10 minutes away. Mina and Deku just looked at each other, nodded, and then ran leaving the two spiked haired boys behind as it started pouring 

" YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE YOU COULD HAVE TOLD US TO RUN!" Bakugou shouted as him and Kirishima started to run like cats when they get wet. 

Mina and Deku laughed their asses of as they ran. the dos where a couple feet away, when bakugou and Kirishima ran past them knocking them over. 


Mina got up from the soaking ground and ran after him, Kirishima came back and helped deku up 

" Sorry man..." 

" Nah you're all right its fine, plus what can a little water do?" The two smiled. 

" Hey, are you coming in or not, We have the heater on." Todoroki said out of nowhere scaring to two.  When they walked in Todoroki gave deku a warm towel. 

" Com on man, where's mine?" Kirishima whined. Todoroki just stared at him and blinked. 

" Here Kiri, I got you one." Momo said walking over and wrapping it around him. 

" thanks Momo. Hey isn't Movie night?"

" Oh yeah!, It is i forgot, Ill get everything ready. GIRLS MOVIE NIGHT LETS GO GET THINGS" as the girls ran with her besides Jiro she just sat on the ben bag watching a video. 

" anyways... Im going to get changed, I'll see you guys later, and thank you Shoto." deku explained as h walked away. 

" You dont have a chance Mr.Rich." Kirishima glared 
" And nor do you, shark teeth." Shoto glared back with a strict face and walked off 

Kirishima rolled his eyes and went into his dorm to take a shower and change.

10 Minutes later~

Everyone was sitting either on the couches, ben bags or laying on the floor. Deku was on the floor with Iida, Ochako, and Todo. Deku was sharing a blanket with Todoroki and Iida was sharing one with Ochako. The class was watching Spider-Man: No way Home. 

( Its a good movie I suggest watching it if you haven't) 

10 minutes before the movie ended Todoroki and Deku passed out. When the Movie ended Mina Giggled as she took pictures of the two, the guys looked over from the kitchen and saw the two, Kirishima turned and frowned same with Bakugou. Iida laughed as him and Ochako where walking up to her dorm. 

" guys come look at this picture i got of them" 

" guys come look at this picture i got of them" 

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(Credits to the artist!) 

" aww Todo Looks so protective over him" Momo said smiling 

" We'll leave them here, let's go to be now the coffee addict will be showing up soon and I don't want to map the damn halls again." Mina said as she got her stuff and walked off. After a few minutes everyone besides Todoroki and Deku where in their dorms most likely passed out. 


Anyways that all for now, I do have more chapters to post but i made a schedule that i would post ever Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday if I can. 

(っ ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)っ🎔

(っ ͡╥ ͜ʖ ͡╥)っ🎔

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2022 ⏰

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