Chapter 1

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My stomach started to turn as I walked through the main doors. This school was huge.. It was at least 10 times the size as my old one back in San Diego. I want to throw up. I'm so out of place here. My dad had finally gotten that big promotion and usually with a huge promotion, comes a transfer. Students shuffled down the hallways, pushing past each other to reach their lockers. The halls filled with chatter as people stopped to gossip with their friends. Avoiding eye contact, I averted my eyes to the slip of paper I held tightly in my hand.

'Locker #2239' I thought to myself..'Now where the hell is that?' My eyes darted around, looking for some sort of direction.

"Watch where I'm going queer." Some guy snapped in my direction after I almost walked into him, I looked back as his friends laughed and threw around high fives to each other. I rolled my eyes. 'This will be good for us.. It's a new experience, you'll love it here!!' I mocked my dad, 'I hate it here.' I mumbled to myself. Frustration started to boil inside. The final bell rang, "Well that's fucking awesome." I groaned. Taking a deep breath, I leaned against the wall, repeatedly hitting my head against it.

"Hey... Uh... Are you alright? Do you need the nurse? You look a bit distressed.. And crazy."

I stopped, looking in the direction of the voice, furrowing my eye brows.

"Uh.. I'm just.. Meditating.."

Who is this guy..?

"Funny. I thought meditating was suppose to be calming and didn't involve you ramming your head into a wall repeatedly." He continued to watch me, smug. I stared back at him, raising an eye brow.

"OH! Sorry!" He reached out a hand. "I'm Kellin. Kellin Quinn." He shot me a smile.

I shook his hand.

"I'm Vic Fue-"

"Vic Fuentes." He finished for me.

"I already know who you are."

"Oh.. Weird"

"Ya.. Uh, I already had the pleasure of meeting your brother, Mike."

I couldn't help but laugh at how displeased he seemed.

"Okay then Kellin, can you help me find my locker?"

His eyes widened, "Sure! What's the number?"

I handed him the sheet of paper. He threw his head back, bellowing out a high pitched laugh. "You're in the opposite side of the school. It's no wonder you were banging your head off of the wall like that! Follow me Victor." He started to walk ahead. I swallowed hard, "Uh, it's just Vic.."

He shot me an apologetic look. I was less then pleased with my name, so I shortened it much to my liking.

Kellin led me up the stairs.

"So where did you move here from?"

"San Diego."

"Oh! How are you liking Orlando then?"

"It's hot and bright..."

"Yeah.. That is true. I didn't know!" he threw his hands up dramatically. I smiled.

"Sarcasm? Something I wouldn't have expected from prissy white kids."

He scrunched up his nose, "Funny guy you are. Besides, correct me if I'm wrong but isn't San Diego just as hot and bright?" I shrugged.

"Well this is your locker. What class do you have?" I scrambled for my schedule, pulling it out of my bag. Kellin peeked at it over my shoulder, "Hm.. Chemistry and Bio, smart guy."

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